Jealousy - Peter P

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You are the youngest avenger, at twenty-four years old. You had watched the first generation of avengers, they were your heros. You had seen when they saved the world, you had heard when they bought hydra down and you had been there when Thanos was defeated.

And now you were all grown up and part of them, Bucky was your mentor. You had been saved from hydra by Steve and when he left, Bucky took you under his wing. He helped you understand your powers, helped you learn control over your anger and most of all, he would split you and Peter up when the arguing started.

"Somebody please tell me when I became a dad to two supposed adults" Bucky mutters.

"You two, break it up. Your worse than three year olds squabbling over a toy" Bucky pulls you away.

You were pissed, Peter was doing his impression of Tony, thinking he was in charge again.

"Tell him to stop bossing me about then, this is practice, not an actual mission" you huff out.

"We should practice like it's an actual mission, and like an actual mission. I would be the leader" Peter huffs back.

"Lead this" you flip him off and storm out of the gym.

You were so over his shit, you had been there as long as he had. He had no more experience than you, but he had been put in charge when missions came up and it boiled your blood. You had practically been raised by Steve and Peter by Tony, it was no wonder you fought all the time. Everybody knew that Tony and Steve barely got along at the best of times, and the same was true of you and Peter.

He wasn't nearly as arrogant as Tony, and oddly enough he had a lot of qualities in common with Steve. They both had a sense of justice that went beyond normal people, both always had to do what was right. And you were a touch like Tony, you though the greater good was bullshit if it hurt the little people. Plus you had taken in some of Tony's humour which Steve hadn't liked.

But for some reason, you and Peter just couldn't get along. You had been friends once, when he had first turned up you had been excited to have someone the same age, it hadn't lasted  long when you realised how much he was up Tony's ass. It was like he couldn't do anything without his approval. Conversely, Peter didn't like that you went off and did your own thing, never seeking out Steve or Tony for advice or help.

You weren't exactly a wild child but you definitely had your own mind, Peter just couldn't grasp that you liked it that way. The only person you ever went to was Bucky and that was because he understood you. Peter didn't even try and now you had to go get ready for his stupid birthday party. He was turning twenty-five. You didn't need another reason to dislike him, but him being a few months older added to you loathing him.

You jump in the shower and clean off, you had a few hours before the party so you could take your time. Hopefully that cute sword agent you had been eyeing up would be there. Lucas, he had dark brown eyes and wavy dark hair. Bucky didn't like him but he wouldn't stop you if you really wanted to date him.

Drying off, you dress in shorts and t-shirt and head for the kitchen for a quick snack. You roll your eyes when you see Peter talking to Caprice by the fridge. She was also a sword agent, she was part of the investigative team. And she was always up on the avengers floor. One minute she would be hanging off Bucky and the next it was Peter. She was infuriating to say the least.

"I can't wait for your party tonight Peter, will you dance with me?" you watch as she walks her fingers up his chest.

God she had to be thirty, at least. And she was hitting on Peter like he was  her next meal. You scrunch your face up and walk past them both.

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