The Raft - Zemo

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"He's here" Lexa whispers furiously to you.

"Who is?" You frown as you pull on your uniform.

You had been off for a few months, your turn for downtime in the Raft's rotation. Any updates you would hear about when you attended the morning briefing. But Lexa liked to be ahead of everyone else, to know what was going on.

"Zemo. The Wakandans bought him in last night. He's on your beat" She looks almost panicked by it.

"So... If he's in here he's not getting out" You shrug and pull on your body armour.

"But it's Zemo. The Baron Helmut Zemo" She sounds exasperated by you.

"Just another criminal among many" You shrug again and head for the door.

The morning briefing would start in five minutes and you didn't want to miss anything. Ross liked his staff punctual and thoroughly up-to-date on any new information. You take your seat as the lead starts in with the day's work. It was never much, everyone was locked in their cell for 23 hours a day. 1 hour exercise time followed by their guard on the open platform. And any medical stuff was overly planned out, to cover all escape attempts. As a job, it wasn't a bad one, but it could get a bit boring. You often found your mind wandering when patrolling the corridors around the cells.

Right now this was a good place to be. In your two months off you had split with your boyfriend who hated your job. You didn't blame him, you were gone six months of the year. Most people wouldn't want to be in a relationship like that. But the pay was decent for a government job and you didn't have any bills because you'd stay with your boyfriend in your downtime. Now it would be an air b and b you supposed. You didn't have anyone else to stay with, no family and your friends worked on the Raft with you.

"Y/l/n, you have a new prisoner. Helmut Zemo was added last night. Find out what he needs and sort it out" You nod and head out the door.

You only had Zemo on your corridor. The Raft may be the best prison in existence but there were not a lot of inmates. This place was for people with powers or the insane. You hadn't agreed when some of the Avengers had been locked up, especially after what Ross did to Wanda Maximoff. But some people did belong here.

You see the cell up ahead, a dark-haired man sat in a chair with a look of pondering on his face. You blink in surprise, you hadn't been expecting him to be so good-looking. There was an air of suave sophistication about him. You knew he was a Baron but you also knew he had been part of a kill squad. He had manipulated many people as well as Ross into believing that Bucky Barnes had killed the King of Wakanda. This was not a guy you wanted to mess with.

"Ah, good morning fraulein" He nods with a calm smile.

"Good morning sir. My name is Y/n, I will be patrolling this area. My lead has asked me to find out if there is anything you would like or need?" You stand straight as he looks you over.

"Well, aren't you quite the charming lady? But, yes, some books if you please" His head tilts to the side, his eyes taking everything in.

"Are there any specific genres you would like?" He looks surprised that you asked.

"Something classical please" He nods again and you walk away.

He was not what you were expecting at all, the politeness had thrown you. And his deep brown eyes had made you tingle. You shudder and keep walking to the library. You scan over the classical collection, grabbing things like the Odyssey and Iliad. You grab a few more and head back. Four should be enough for now, unless he reads fast.

Zemo is standing by the glass wall waiting for you, his hands behind his back and he still has that calm smile on his face. You open the hatch and hand the books through one at a time.

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