❤️ Cheater 2 - Steve

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When Steve got to your place, he was expecting carnage. There were a few drops of blood on the floor, more on the wall from an obvious head bashing. There were scuff marks and what he was sure, was nail marks from you on the floor. He shakes his head angrily, when he found this guy he was gonna pummel him into the ground.

Tony scans the area, his eyes checking everything over. He looked as angry as Steve felt.

"I can't believe she didn't ask for help" Tony mutters.

"She was probably too afraid to" Nat steps over a broken lamp.

Steve was furious, his rage was burning through him like a wild fire. Y/n was a sweet and kind person, a woman who cared about her job and the people around her. But her boyfriend was scum, Steve could see in his mind what had happened. He could see her being shoved head first into the wall, and the nail marks were she had landed and was beaten. He had read the report on his way over, her neighbour had saved her life.

Steve heads over and knocks on the man's door. A big burly man opens with a friendly smile.

"Holy crap, uh. What can I do for you Captain Rogers?" he stands straighter.

"I'm here about y/n. I would like to know what you heard? What you saw?" Steve asks and the man holds his door open wider for him to come in.

"Oh. Yeah. Y/n is a sweet girl. But that boyfriend of hers is as mean as a snake. I always heard him screaming at her, demeaning her. Poor kid" he sighs and sits down.

"Is she okay? Have you heard anything about her?" he asks.

"She bruised and has some broken bones. I saw her just before we came here" Steve let's out a deep breath.

"Are you getting her out? Away from that monster?" Brian asks.

"We are. He was basically holding her documents hostage to keep her with him" Steve watches Brian rub his eyes.

"Did you see where he went? Which way?" Steve asks.

"No, I'm sorry. Once I saw y/n on the floor I was straight on the phone for a ambulance" he shakes his head.

"Thank you for your time and thank you for saving her" Steve nods.

"Tell her I'm asking about her" Brian nods and closes his door.

Steve was even more mad now, not only had Jake beaten you, he had gotten away as well. He storms back into the house, Nat frowns when she sees his face.

"We got everything?" he grunts out.

"Yes" he nods at her.

"Let's go then" he had a knawing feeling in the pit of his stomach.

He wanted to be beside you, he needed to be with you. If only to ground himself with your presence. Nat pats his arm as she passes, opening the door to the car with a shrug.


You lay on the bed impatiently waiting for Steve and the others to come back. You sigh and try to make your body more comfortable, wincing when your ribs pull.

"Want a doctor?" the agent who had been left with you asks.

"No. I'm just squirming about" he nods at you, resettling beside the door.

"How long do you think they'll be?" you turn to him but he's gone.

You frown and try to lean out to see where he's gone. But the corridor is empty, the agent is no where to be seen.

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