Off World - Bucky

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"Off-world missions suck" you sigh as the ship speeds to some little-known planet.

"Carol said these people need some help, raiders keep invading their village. They steal supplies and sometimes people" Bucky tells you.

"How many raiders? How often? And why us?" you ask.

"She said about thirty, every few weeks and she thought two of us would be enough" he shrugs.

"She also gave us these" he gets up and grabs something from the back.

When he comes back he holds two small discs in his hand, pushes your hair back and presses the disc behind your ear. He presses hard and it clicks, making you shriek in pain.

"Mother fucker, that hurt" You give Bucky a shove and he laughs.

He steps back to you, leaning in to see your ear. His hot breath is on your face as he inspects the disc. His finger runs over it gently, sending tingles down your spine. He pulls back slightly, to see your face. His hand is still on your neck.

"It looks fine" his eyes dart to your lips and back.

His hypnotic gaze is broken when the ship beeps loudly, he coughs and backs up. He winces as he pushes the last disc behind his ear.

"We're coming up on the planet, we'll descend in three minutes" you swallow hard.

But you make yourself look at him, he's rubbing where his disc sits.

"What are these things anyways?" you ask.

"Universal communications device. So we can understand the locals" he sits back down.

A bright green planet takes shape before you, there are spots of pink and blue mixed among the greens.

"What kind of planet is this?" you ask, mistified by what you see.

"Forest planet with some water" he points at the pink.

"The water is pink? Awesome" you smile and he shakes his head.

"The file said don't drink the pink water, it's some kind of hallucinogenic" he presses some buttons as the ship flies through the atmosphere.

The green was trees, lots and lots of trees. The blue turned out to be deforested areas, there are buildings dotted around it.

"That's the village we are helping" It was the furthest out from any other.

The blue area is smaller, less people and buildings around. You could see a man standing, waiting for the ship to land. He was big, just as big as Bucky. He had long dark blonde hair and big arms. He waves through the window at you.

"Let's go" Bucky stands and opens the ship.

You both head off, and you're immediately hit with the heat of the planet. You pull at your t-shirt, it's already sticking to your skin.

"Hello," the big man waves again.

"Hi," you smile.

"I am Jorgan, the leader of these people. This is our village, please come. The elders are waiting to meet you" he leads you down a small path towards a large building.

"This is the longhouse, we use it for meetings" he opens the door and the house is full of people.

The villagers stand waiting, looking nervous and interested in the newcomers. A small child waves and you wave back with a smile. There seemed to be more kids than adults, your heart sank when you realised it was probably because of the raiders.

"Please, be welcome," an older man says as he stands.

"We are the elders, we wish you well" Five men and women stand and bow to you.

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