❤️ The Raft 2 - Zemo

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It had been a few days since your talk with Zemo, it has swam in your head for hours after. He returned the sentiment. What the hell did that mean? He thought you were attracted to him as well. And now you honestly couldn't tell. Sure, he was good-looking. But he was a murderer, he chose to kill a lot of people in revenge for his wife and child's death. And that hit you hard. Would you be any different? If you had a family to care about, and someone hurt or killed them. You would like to think that you would be a good person and do nothing. But that wasn't how the world worked. People got angry, hurt and vengeful. All very real and strong emotions.
On the other hand, in a very aesthetic way. He was hot. The ultimate bad boy. If this was the Wild West, he would be considered a hero for trying to kill his family's murderers.

You shake your head, you had to clear it before you saw him again. You couldn't go there with thoughts of seeing him naked or how he would kiss you. He was an inmate and you are his guard. That's all this would ever-could ever be. You get closer to his cell, he is sitting reading again. God you hoped it wasn't that book. You were mortified that you hadn't realised what it was.

"Moya Lyubov" He smiles as he looks up. You desperately try not to preen at his words.

"You need to stop calling me that" You plead with your eyes but he shrugs.

"Why? Does it bother you? Would you prefer something more...romantic or sexual?" He practically purrs at you.

"You don't understand" You sigh, and he stands up to face you properly.

"What do I not understand?" He looks vexed.

"If anyone hears you talking like that, I could get in trouble," You say quietly and he moves closer to the glass.

"Has someone said something to you?" It comes out as a dark growl, his fist hitting the glass in anger.

"Don't do that. You'll set the alarms off" You step closer as well, wanting him to back off from the glass. But he stays where he is, looking into your worried eyes.

You gasp when his finger rubs over the glass, directly where your face is. It was like he wanted to touch you. You jump when the hatch opens, his other fingers visible. He wiggles them at you, encouraging you to put your hand in. You swallow hard but he just waits patiently for you to decide. Fuck it, you slip your fingers into his and he squeezes, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles.

"You worry about how you feel about me, about what others would think? I understand darling. I will keep all the things I wish to call you to myself from now on" He nods and moves back away.

You grab at his hand, squeezing so he can't leave.

"No, no it's not that. If they think we have an attachment, I'll be moved" God, you hated how whiney you sounded but what he said caused real panic in your heart.

"I wish I could touch more than your hand. I would like to know what your lips taste like" He smiles and you blush.

"There it is. I love that you cannot hide how you feel about me" He twists his hand and interlocks your fingers together.

"In the sudden helpless orgasm, there awoke in her new strange thrills rippling inside" He murmurs quietly.

"What?" Your eyes are wide and he smirks.

"It is an excerpt from Lady Chatterley's Lover. That specific part is about them... Coming together. How her body feels when he takes her for the first time" His eyes dart all over your face.

"I wonder if you will feel the same when I take you" He releases your hand and steps back.

He sits back down and you suck in a breath, blowing it out quietly. This was getting intense and you definitely should not be entertaining the idea of giving into it. You couldn't do anything about it anyway. Every time the glass door opened it was logged, the only way was... No, you couldn't. It wouldn't be possible in the slightest. You smile and head back to the office, daydreaming about the impossible.

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