Priority One - Steve

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"We have a guest coming" Tony rolls his eyes.

"Who" asks Nat.

"Don't know, don't care. Fury is bringing them" Tony walks into the conference room.

"So what are we supposed to be doing when they get here?" she asks.

"Protective detail" he sighs and sits down.

"Protection for who?" Steve asks.

"Some priority one person that Fury is bringing" Tony sips a coffee as he waits.

"And I'm here" Fury walks in.

"Let's get on with this Nick. I have stuff to do today" Tony puts his feet up.

Everyone goes quiet when a woman walks in, she's dressed in a black pencil skirt and white shirt. High heels click as she takes a seat. Tony looks at Fury and then Steve.

Steve has a smirk on his face, and Nat notices the woman pointedly ignoring him.

"This is y/n y/l/n. She's under your protection as of now. Hydra has decided they like her work in weapons designing and have already tried to take her" Fury looks around the room.

"So how did you escape?" Nat asks.

"I used a prototype weapon I had designed" you shrug.

"What sort of weapon?" Tony looks you over.

"A seismic gun. It sucks in all sound around it and releases it as a shock wave" you say quietly.

"Miss y/l/n managed to not only get rid of her attackers but she also blew out an entire wall of the building she was in" Fury adds.

"Well yes, it was a prototype. I hadnt gotten to narrowing down the blast radius or the spectrum on which it erupts" you shrug.

"That could have been catastrophic. Did you even consider the ramifications of what that weapon could do, not to mention the environmental problems it could cause?" Tony barks at you.

"I did actually. That weapon wasn't designed for the purpose he wants it for" you point at Fury.

"It was supposed to be part of an astro protective response. He took it over and made me design it as a weapon" you raise your brow at Tony.

"Space defence. You took a weapon of mass destruction for asteroids and turned it into a hand held weapon?" Tony looks at Fury.

"We've had this conversation before Stark. It's about protection for this planet" Tony shakes his head him.

"Look, either way. She needs you to keep her safe. We'll discuss ethics later when the threat is gone" Fury walks away without another word.

"Miss Y/l/n. I'll take you to a room" Nat gets up and leads you out.

"Who the hell was that?" Tony glares as you walk away.

He looks at Steve when he chuckles. You hadn't changed a bit, still beautiful and just as smart as the last time he saw you. He gets up and sighs.

"That... Is my wife" Tony gapes at him.

"What? You're married to that hot lady. Since when?" Tony points out the door.

"She was one of the people who helped dig me out of the ice. They used a jumbo laser drill with a special kind of diamond reflecting head that she invented. When I was out, the government threw a party and she was invited for her contribution to getting Captain America back" He rolls his eyes.

"But when did you get married and how did you get her?" Tony looks flummoxed.

"We had a whirlwind romance I suppose. She helped me a lot with all the stuff going on in the world today and I... I started getting missions and I left her behind a lot. I came back one day and she was gone. I didn't know Fury had gotten to her though. I would have put a stop to that" he sighs.

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