❤️ Jealousy 2 - Peter P

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You had taken a few days to process everything. Peter's confession would have left you reeling if your head wasn't already twisted up at the accusation of sleeping with Bucky. But now that there had been time, you were stuck in a constant spin of guilt and emotions. You weren't even sure what they meant, Peter liked you. He more than liked you, he loved you.

You had went to the lab to work out some stress on a new robot you were designing for training. It was taking far longer than it should. You kept pausing when a new feeling hit you. You were still angry at Peter for what he said about Bucky, but there was definitely something else there. Bucky hadn't cared in the slightest, he said you both knew the truth and that was enough. But he wasn't getting funny looks off the agents and Caprice hadn't been helping the situation. She was making sure everybody knew what had happened and that you were leading two men on.

Someone had even shouted slut at you in passing. Bucky and Peter weren't getting anything done to them and didn't understand that as a woman these things stuck. And didn't tend to disappear. It would be a stigma, a shadow over you for along time. Which bought you back to anger again.

"Fucking stupid Peter" you grumble.

A spark shoots out the robot and you sigh angrily. It was bad that it was affecting your personal life but now it was affecting your job as well. Being an avenger was all you knew, sure you could pack up and start a new life somewhere, but you wouldn't even know where to start with that.

"You've soldered that too much" you roll your eyes at Peter's voice.

"I have not" you grit out.

"You have. Look let me show you" he tries to take the robot but you grip it tightly.

"Back. Off" you glare at him.

He steps back with his hands up in surrender, a small smile on his face.

"What the fuck are you smiling at?" you growl.

"I'm just happy you're not avoiding me anymore" he crosses his arms.

"I wasn't avoiding you. I've been busy cleaning up the mess you caused" another spark shoots out and you toss the robot angrily.

"Just go away Peter" you rest your head in your hands.

"No" his brows go up when you look at him.

"Fine. I'll go" you get up and take a step.

But Peter's hand grabs yours, he pulls you back and his other hand locks around your waist. You open your mouth to say something but he kisses you. He walks you back into the desk and lifts your ass onto it, his lips haven't stopped moving against yours. You gasp and his tongue slips in, he tasted like coffee. His hands move to your face, pushing your hair back as he tilts his head to deepen the kiss.

He groans and pushes between your legs, his hands now running up and down your back. And when his kisses move over your jaw and down your neck you groan with him. He pulls back and opens your lab coat, pushing it down your arms and off. And then he's tugging at your t-shirt, slipping it over your head. His hands immediately wrap around your ribs, he smoothes them up your skin and squeezes your breasts.

"You're amazing y/n" he whispers and leans down, kissing at your skin.

His fingers dance up your arms, taking a hold of your bra straps. They slip down and the cups drop away. You see his pupils dilate at the sight of your puckered nipples, a hand reaching out to cup one breast and bring it to his mouth. His tongue swirls your nipple, his lips sucking at it. Your head drops back as he moves onto the other, his hot breath teasing your sensitive skin.

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