❤️ Off World 2 - Bucky

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You and Bucky didn't make it back to the room. The village had set out another meal for you both for the hard work you had done. Jorgan hovered nearby and Bucky kept watching him. He gripped your hand under the table, squeezing it when Jorgan walked around you.

"He's pissing me off" Bucky growled as he shovelled food in his mouth.

"Just ignore him" You mumble, but Bucky was right he was pissing you off as well.

He looked like a circling shark waiting for its prey. And the elders seemed to be encouraging him. You huff and shove some blue thing in your mouth, it is sweet and sugary. You cringe and swallow it down.

"Feed me," You say quickly when Jorgan starts to approach.

Bucky grabs some bread and holds it out for you, flushing scarlet you open your mouth. Bucky's pupils dilate as he feeds you, a small smirk curving his lips up. He leans in and kisses the side of your mouth, scrubbing his beard over your cheek as he does so.

"Wanna go back to the room early tonight?" He waggles his brows at you, making you chuckle.

"Hell yeah, I do" He grabs your hand and stands up, ready to lead you from the room.

"Are you leaving so early?" Jorgan is now behind you both.

"Yeah, we're very tired" You yawn and he frowns.

"The elders and I have prepared a dessert for you. Please stay and enjoy it" His heavy hand lands on your shoulder, pushing you to sit.

Your eyes flare and sparks shoot over your hand. Jorgan gasps, it was supposed to make him back off but he looks more enamoured than ever.

"Please, one bite and you can go on your way" He bows and runs off to get it.

Some pink jiggly thing is brought forth, it looks like a thick jello of sorts. Bucky frowns and picks up a spoon but Jorgan is already there and spooning some into your mouth. You swallow down the chunk and grimace. It didn't taste great. And Jorgan is looking at you expectedly, Bucky digs in and makes gagging sounds as he swallows it.

"Okay, we ate your dessert. Now we're going to bed" Bucky stands and your eyes blur as he moves.

It looked like there were three of him as he moved about unsteady on his feet. You feel like you're moving in slow motion, your head and feet heavy as you walk.

"Bucky, I don't feel right" Your stomach rolls but you make it to the stairs.

"Get to the room doll" He didn't sound right either, there was panic in his tone and when you turn he's holding off some people getting to you.

"What's... Going... On" You collapse and hear your name being called as the darkness takes you over.


You groan and sit up, when you try to rub your head you can't because your wrists have been tied to a bed. A creak makes you look to your right, Jorgan is sitting in a chair watching over you.

"What the hell happened?" Your voice is grave, your throat tight.

"The elders helped me make you a dessert. It's one usually reserved for women who need help with a mate" His smile is twisting your stomach.

"I didn't need help with a mate. I have Bucky. Now where is he?" You yell but Jorgan gets to his feet, his hand smooths over your cheek and down your neck.

"You don't have to lie now. I know you two are nothing to each other. You didn't even take each other in the bathing chamber" You swallowed some bile, he had watched you and Bucky clean up.

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