❤️ That Damn Plant 4 - Clint

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Clint watches as Sam and Kristina run for the camera room, curiously he follows them peeping through the door. He grins when he hears them talk about having sex in the elevator and then frowns when they mention a plant that caused it. Well now he just had to go look and he was gonna take y/n with him. He hurries off and finds you in the lounge. "Hey guess what? I just heard Sam and Kristina say they had sex in the elevator and because of a plant" he grins when your eyes widen.

"Okay, two questions. Where is the plant now? And why were you listening to their conversation?" your brows go up and he shrugs. "They were sneaking about and I wanted to know why. Want to find the plant with me?" he gets up and holds out his hand. You take it with a grin and follow him to a wall panel. He hacks it quickly and finds out where Sam and Kristina had been. "The roof" you both say together.

"Let's go honey" he drags you into the lift and hits the button for the roof. "What do you think it did to them?" you asks and he shrugs. "No idea but I want to see it. Bucky and Cara bought it back and they've been snuggled up in his room ever since. And them two barely got along" his eyes are bright and when the doors open he runs out and looks around.

"That's got to be it" you point out a pink plant in a glass jar. It didn't look like it could do anything other than convert carbon dioxide. But Clint picks it up and walks off with it. "What are you doing? Put it back" you hiss but he just takes your hand and pulls you back into the elevator. "It's a plant, and it's in a jar. Nothing is gonna happen" he steps out and you follow.

He puts it on the kitchen counter, turning it about as he looks closely. He shrugs and let's you look, there were pink petals on the flowers and the leaves were tinged red. There was little buds that were blood red and stripes in the flesh that seemed to pulse. You squawk at Clint when he lifts the jar off, he reaches out to touch the bud but it starts to tremble. The blood red leaves on the buds open and a puff of pink mist hits you both in the face. You cough and wave it away, your hand sticky and wet off it.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that" you say and Clint nods. But he looks stiff and his face is turning pink, you look at your hand and the same thing is happening. "Of shit" you mumble but don't get anything else out because Clint has just dived on you. You hit the floor with a grunt, Clint pins your hands beside your head. He sucks at your neck, his face pushing in close. He groans when your legs automatically wrap around his waist, he rocks into you hard making you shudder.

"What the hell is happening?" Clint groans in your ear, his breath was hot and tingling your skin. "I don't know" you gasp out, Clint had just bitten you. And hard. But you shudder again. His hand moves to his boot, he pulls out a knife and slices up the front of your top. It falls open and his eyes flare at the sight of purple silk, his hand shakes as a finger strokes over it gently.

"So beautiful" you hadn't moved, to afraid to disturb what was happening. You and Clint are best friends, but you had been in love with him for years. And now he was looking at you like you were something to eat. It made your blood boil in your veins, your pulse throbbed in your neck. You swallow a moan when his palm fully envelopes your breast, the heat radiating off him felt amazing through your bra.

"Clint" you finally speak and his eyes dart to yours. He smiles and leans down, kissing your lips. You keep your eyes open as he devours your mouth, his hands gripping at your hips now. He squeezes and massages, your heart beats a mile a minute and it just felt amazing. You close your eyes and moan into his mouth, his tongue dips in delicately.

He moves down your neck and across the top of your breasts, pausing to lick at them before moving to your stomach. When his tongue runs over the waistband of your pants you jump, it dips below before he lifts his head. His brows raised in question. You nod and he unbuttons them quickly, a ragged moan makes you smile. He had just found out you had matching panties on.

"Fuck y/n, that's so hot honey" he rips your pants down and strokes over your silk covered clit. The material turns darker as your dampness builds up. Another look in your direction as he slips them off, his thumb rubbing circles on your now swollen clit. "Fuck!" you gasp and writhe for him.

"Look at you gush, so fucking sexy" he hums and his tongue flickers through your folds, when he reaches your clit he sucks hard. Your hips pop and your nails scratch at the floor. But Clint doesn't stop and your body was wound so tight that you were ready to come. You cry out when two fingers slip inside you, he curls and twists them, ramping up your need to come. Another flicker and you're there, howling his name into the ceiling.

Clint still hasn't stopped, he just pushes your legs further apart and keeps going. You grip at his hair, you need to feel some part of him to ground yourself. You squeak when he flips you suddenly, pulling your ass up high and burying his face back between your thighs. He groans and slurps, making you shudder when his tongue runs from your clit upto your ass. He pulls back with a happy sigh, his hand running over your tingling flesh. He squeezes your ass cheek before giving it a short spank.

He leans over your back, kisses being pressed to your spine. His warm hands wrap around your stomach and pull you back against him, his lips pressing behind your ear. "Do you have any idea how long I've wanted to do this to you? To see you like this. It's been pure torture to look at you every day and not have you honey" his hands now smooth up your breasts, fingers pinching and playing with your nipples. "I knew you would taste amazing. Your pussy was like cream in my mouth. But I want more now honey. I need it. I need to fuck you so much that my cock is straining to be inside of you" he sucks at your neck.

"Let me baby. Let me fuck you so good that you'll want to be mine forever" you turn in his arms, his hand cupping your cheek. "I was always yours Clint" your face burns but he doesn't notice, he just pulls you into a kiss so hot that you don't notice when your back hits the floor again. His legs nudge yours apart, his hot heavy length resting on your thigh. He lines up his tip, nudging the spongy head into you slowly. His head flies back when he sinks into you, your heat engulfing him.

"Fuck honey, I could live here" his head drops to yours, short breaths fanning you face. You squirm below him, needing him to move. He follows your silent command and rolls his hips. You pulse around him, the fire in your veins begging to be put out. You lock your ankles behind his back, he gasps when he can push deeper. His hips roll, his cock catching everything you need to call his name.

It's a slow start, Clint wants to build you up, feel you shake in his arms. But you feel too good to stay slow, his hips now ploughing into you hard. You gasp and shudder when his tip presses deep and brushes over your inner nerves. Again and again, the fire in your body burns brighter until you come. Your back arches off the floor, your mouth is open in a silent scream. Your pussy throbs and pulses and Clint keeps moving.

His grunts and groans bring you back down to earth. His head is pressed into your chest as he rails you, his need pressing in on your soul. He had to claim you, make you his forever. Because he was never letting you go now. The hounds of hell couldn't drag him away and he would kill anyone that tried to take you. He rears up and his teeth latch into your neck, he bites and sucks until a deep purple bruise marks you. He comes at the sight of it, his mark on your flesh.

"Fuck!" he huffs and drops over you. Your hands tangling in his hair as he huffs and puffs for breath. His muscles quake, you could feel them spiking under his skin. But he felt cooler now and so did you. The fire burnt out and your veins pulsing but slowly now.

"Wait there honey" he groans as he slips from your body, getting to his feet unsteadily. He comes back with a damp cloth and cleans you both up. You really needed a shower, your skin still slicked with sweat. "Let's go" he pulls you up and dresses you before himself. And then you're swept off your feet, Clint carrying you down the corridor to his room.

He disappeared into the bathroom, the shower starting. When he comes back he kneels before you, his hand on your face. "I meant what I said about being mine forever" his eyes are so bright and you smile. "And I meant it when I said I already was" his smile gets bigger and he kisses you.

"Come on, I need to help clean my girl up" you strip each other quickly. Both smiling and giggling like horny kids. "When did you know?" you had to ask, you needed to know. "I've known since the day I met you honey. You were always the one for me, nobody even came close to what I felt for you. And if it wasn't for that damn plant we probably would have kept dancing around each other" he huffs a laugh. "We left it on the counter" your eyes widen. "I already messaged Steve to come get rid of it. Now come on, I want to continue what we started in the kitchen" you squeal when he tosses you over his shoulder and heads into the bathroom.

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