The Rules - Bucky

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You wrap a pillow around your head, you could hear Bucky fucking his date. She wasn't exactly quiet and his groans were deep. It broke your heart every time he bought someone home, but this latest one had been a repeat performance for the last few weeks. She was obnoxious and in the mornings she made a point of kissing Bucky in front of any woman that was around. Like a dog marking its territory. Maria looked like she was going to gag, Nat had scowled, you and Wanda had walked away because who needs that before you eat.

You had eneded up in the small garden outside of Tony's lab. Watching the trees and birds. It was peaceful there at least. Its where Nat found you an hour later, nudging you from you mind.

"Hey, she's gone" she's smiles sadly at you.

"I don't care anymore, Nat. It is what it is" you shrug and stand up.

"I'm gonna talk to Steve and Tony about it. It's ridiculous the way she acts, like she's entitled to be here" Nat sighs and follows you.

"Just leave it alone Nat. She makes him happy" you walk off towards your room.

It wasn't yours or anyone else's place to make a decision for Bucky. He was happy and that's all that mattered. You would talk to Tony about moving rooms though. You couldn't listen to him having sex anymore. You liked him, he knew you liked him and it felt like a personal hell to listen to what happened between him and her.

You change and head for the gym, Tony and Steve were already there and sparring on the mats, Clint was in his room in the corner, firing off arrows. Wanda would be with Vision in the room Tony had especially made for her. You head for the corner with the crash mats to stretch out. You keep your head down and work through some moves. You had been at it about ten minutes when Bucky finally wanders in with a smile that cracks your heart.

But you have decided that you will push through this, you would do anything and everything to get over Bucky Barnes. He didn't want you and you could live with that, you just couldn't live with that woman screaming his name in the next room.

"Hey y/n, wanna spar with me?" Bucky asks and you shake your head.

"No thanks" you leave your stretches and head for the door to the running track.

If you were gonna get over him, you had to stop being around him as much. You would have jumped at the chance in the past to workout with him, hoping he saw you as more. But not now. Now rule one was stay far away as possible.

As you run you hear feet pounding behind you, from the speed and rhythm you could tell it was Steve. He smiles when he moves up beside you.

"Hey doll" he winks and keeps pace.

You hold back a head shake, Bucky would have talked Steve to coming out and talking to you. He didn't want you but he had no qualms about you waisting your time with him.

"So Bucky said you didn't want to work out with him. You two always work out together" Steve tries and you roll your eyes.

Rule two, you wouldn't talk about this anymore. No more whining that he didn't see you. No more running to Wanda or Nat when you were upset about him.

"Not anymore" you take off at a full sprint, Steve could obviously keep up if he wanted, but you leaving him in the dust should give him an idea of how much you didn't want to discuss this.

After four or five laps and Steve giving up you head back to clean up. You were hungry now, skipping breakfast had become a habit to not see the happy couple. Once you showered and dressed you practically run for the kitchen. Digging in the fridge for something to make. You smile when you realise you can make pancakes. Setting everything up you get to work.

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