❤️What's Mine Is Yours 5-Bucky/Steve

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"She hasn't been asleep long, so be careful" Nat whispers.

"I will" Steve lifts your sleeping form.

Him and Bucky walk back to your room, carrying you to the bed. He lays you down and nods to Bucky.

"I'll go get the food I made, she'll be hungry when she wakes up and I want her clear headed for this talk" Steve heads back to the kitchen.

Bucky just watches you sleep, his fingers trailing through your hair. This was really happening, him and Steve were going to ask you to be with both of them. He didn't know how you would take it, hopefully you would agree. Agree to let them both love you.

Steve walks in and puts a tray full of food down, he joins Bucky on the bed and smooths your back. You stir from all the petting, a low moan tumbling from your lips.

"Baby, you need to eat" Steve kisses at your ear.

"Okay" you stretch and open your eyes.

You sit up in shock at the sight of both men watching you. Steve smiles and pushes the tray closer, Bucky takes your hand and sighs peacefully. You grab some toast, to give you time to think. But they both keep looking at you. When you swallow the toast, you cough, it scratches your throat as it goes down. Steve hands you some juice and you drink it gratefully.

"It's okay baby" Steve smiles again.

"What's going on?" you asks warily.

"We wanted to talk to you, about us. All of us" Bucky smiles.

"All three of us?" you asks and they both nod.

"Okay" you clear your throat and look down.

Steve tilts your chin back up and leans in, his lips pressing gently to yours.

"I love you sweetheart" he starts but you open your mouth.

"And so do I" Bucky interrupts.

"And we know you love us both. And we're fine with that" Steve keeps going.

"We just want you to understand that it's okay. I'm not upset and neither is Bucky" you look between them both.

"We talked about it and we both want you" Bucky adds.

Your eyes dart back and forth to their smiling faces. They looked happy about this and you felt awful. It's like they were trying to lessen the burden of your betrayal for you. You shake your head and scramble to get up. Steve holds out a hand but Bucky follows you up, grabbing your wrist and pulling you away from the door.

"No more running baby" he tugs you into him.

Steve stands as well, you mouth opens and closes but he just grabs your face and kisses you. When he pulls back Bucky does the same, when you look at Steve he's smiling again.

"You're both serious about this?" you blink rapidly, your heart pounds but both men nod.

"We love you and you love us. We want this. We both know we can't live without you" Steve says.

"But it can't work, I mean. Can it?" You ask desperately.

"We're willing to find out. But are you?" Bucky asks.

You look between them both again, there's so much love in their eyes and it's all for you.

"Yes" you whisper.

You squeal when Steve scoops you up and kisses you breathless, Bucky laughs as Steve passes you over and he kisses you as well.

When you're put down, you blow out a breath. A weight had been lifted from your shoulders, for the first time in a while, you felt like you could really breath.

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