The Nameless One's - Bucky

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You shiver and shake, the blood covering the walls runs freely. It drips, the constant tapping of it driving you crazy. How many time would you have to live through this? How many people would they kill in front of you? The tests and experiments they ran were awful, the people they used were nothing to them, people taken from the edges of society, the ones who wouldn't be missed. People didn't ask questions about the poor, the homeless, the woman working the streets, the man living under the bridge.

The soldiers here called them the living dead, most only lasted a few day. The tests were rigouris and the experiments leathel. The blood that covered the walls was from the last three people they bought in, you had watched as one woman screamed in agony, blood running from her ears, mouth, eyes and nose. It sizzled when it hit the floor, her blood literally boiling out of her frail body. The two men had went a lot quicker, what ever they had given them was quick. One man's body exploded, the others melted, the blood was everywhere including all over you. The bed you had been strapped to had been left in the corner while your captors worked on the others.

They hadn't forgotten about you, you were too important to them. You were one of the few to survive their onslaught of testing. They had left you hooked up to monitors and wires, tubes were feeding you every few hours and now and again someone would check you. But they had left you covered in blood, you could feel it trickling down your neck, flecks of it drying to your skin as you lay there.

You didn't even know how long you had been there, the cells had been empty when you first arrived, but now there were people in them. And you didn't know what was worse, the poor people who died while being tested or the ones who survived it. The cells held men and women alike, some screamed their misery, others screamed their pain. Some had mangled bodies, limbs removed for prosthesis that they hadn't needed. Others had wires stuffed in their brains for compliance. Then there were the broken ones, they had survived everything they had been put through, or at least their bodies had. But their minds were so broken from it, they were barely people at all.

Your eyes flutter, splashes of water hitting your face. They had sent in the clean up crew, the walls ran pink now. Cold water was being thrown by the bucket to get rid of the blood. You groan when the ice cold feel of it washes over your body, they were finally cleaning you up. No soap or cloths, just doused repeatedly until you looked clean. A blanket is draped over your shivering form and they leave. Leave you to the darkness and the ever present smell of blood.

The one good thing about being left alone and in the dark was that your powers worked then. You don't know when exactly your powers manifested or what they had stuck in you for it to work. But you could manipulate the darkness around you, the shadows moved at your beck and call. When you concentrated, you could use them to sooth you, like a balm to your skin and soul. They were a comfort, a calm settled over you when they rise, the smallest sense of peace came with the dark and you basked in it. You had learned to shape the shadows, they could become as sharp as a blade. You had killed a guard to practise, nobody knew it was you. Or at least you thought they didn't.

How wrong you were.

With time they trained you, pushing you harder and harder with every passing day. You acquired a new name, your old one forgotten years ago by them and yourself.

You were their Shadow Soldier.

The evil in the dark, the one they called on when someone important needed killing. You could get in anywhere, stealth was your ally. The shadows your sanctuary and only escape from the world they kept you in. You hated your life, the things they expected you to do. But you did it, because if you didn't. Well the threats were serious enough that you did as you were told.

But that had been before, before they found you. Frozen and locked away. It was a mistake, you were never supposed to be found, hydra had hidden you well. You were their final plan, the one they need for their domination. But Steve found you first, him and his team had gotten you out. Your nightmare was over for time being.

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