❤️ You Can Hear What Now? - Steve

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"It looks like the tesseract" You mumble as Steve picks up the glowing cube.

"But purple" You add and poke at it.

"Don't touch it, we don't know what it can do" Steve moves it away from you, making you roll your eyes.

"You're touching it" You poke it again and he tuts.

It was always like this, you didn't dislike Steve. But there was always a weird tension between you both. Eventually, there was an argument or bickering that ended in you and him having a glare out. You couldn't actually help but antagonise him, it was too much fun not to. He yanks it away but you manage to give it another poke, setting off a glow from it.

"Wasn't me" You quickly pull your hand back and smile innocently at Steve.

"What's it doing?" Steve mumbles and then howls as a sound vibrates through your skull.

The cube hits the floor along with you and Steve on your knees, holding your hands over your ears. You both cry out in pain, it feels like your brain is melting and leaking out your ears. Suddenly the sound cuts off, and you both pant. You could feel liquid running over your face, checking your hand you see its blood. When you look at Steve, he's the same.

He groans and gets to his feet, he looks unsteady, his eyes unfocused. He shakes his head and takes a deep breath. When his eyes focus enough, they find you on the floor. He helps you up and wipes some of the blood from your face.

"Are you okay?" His hand sits heavily on your shoulder.

"What the hell was that?" You pant a bit, the echoes of pain still making you wince.

"I don't know. Let's get that thing under wraps and let Tony figure it out" He scoops it up with his shield and takes your arm, towing you out the door.


Tony looks it over, a frown on his face. He has Friday running scans on it as it spins on a stand in a case.

"You said it emitted a frequency that caused pain?" You and Steve both are nodding.

"Fucking hurt too" You were still wiping blood off your face.

Hate swearing

You blink, what the hell was that? You look at Tony and Steve but they are both watching the cube still. Shaking your head, you move for the door.

"I'm gonna wash this blood out of my hair and ear" You huff both men nod but pay you no mind.

Don't think it

You turn back again, nobody was talking but you kept hearing someone speak. Steve's eyes flick to you, he's frowning. Confusion was all over his sexy face. Nope, you weren't going there. With a sigh, you head out. When you're clean and dressed, you head for the kitchen. Your head kept telling you you were hungry, but your stomach wasn't acting like it was. Looking in the fridge, your eyes widen at the sight of a full chocolate cake.

"Friday, who made the cake and are we allowed any?" You ask excitedly.

"Miss Maximoff made it and said anyone could have some"

"I love Wanda" You grab the cake and cut a slice, Steve wanders in and smiles as you take a bite.

"That looks great, may I?" he asks and you nod.

He sits beside you, both of you humming happily as you eat cake.

Wanda is an amazing cook.

"She really is" Steve takes another bite.

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