❤️ The Coffee Date - Sam

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You hated waiting in lines, but the coffee stand in HQ was the closest and you couldn't be bothered to go out and get one. You tap your fingers against your leg, apparently everyone had the same idea as you.

"You'd think there would be more than one stand in this place" a smooth voice mutters behind you.

Your brows go up when you turn and see Sam Wilson, he smiles and shrugs.

"Uh, yeah. You would think so" you mutter and flush.

Sam Wilson was hot, he had this charm that he exuded with total confidence. And you were some uncouth man with the emotional range of a pancake. You swallow hard when he smirks at you, his eyes drifting to your mouth and back to your eyes. His smirk gets bigger when your blush turns crimson.

"Your y/n, right? I've seen you down on the track in the mornings" he holds out his hand and you shake it.

"Yeah and your Sam Wilson" you try to smile but your face isn't cooperating.

"You wanna go to the coffee shop down the street? Not that this place is bad but we could talk there" his smile gets bigger when you nod.

"Sure" you step out of line and Sam follows you.

"Let's go, I'll buy" he leads the way and you hurry to catch up.

Of course you eye Sam up from behind as you get closer. He had strong looking legs and was wearing tight jeans that showed off an ass that you could bounce a quatre off. Your eyes dart up quickly when he turns to see if you're still following.

"I'm all for being checked out, but if you walk beside me. We can actually get to know each other" he slows until you catch up.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" you mumble and Sam just grins.

"I never said I was uncomfortable. Who doesn't like being looked at by a hot guy?" he smirks when you look down.

"Grab a seat. What do you want to drink?" you sit and tell him your order.

Your leg bounces nervously, you can't take your eyes off Sam. He was a great looking guy and apparently he thought you were hot. That didn't happen to often, most people thought that you were too shy and a bit of a nerd. Which you are and were happy to be, you had to be smart to be an analyst and you were one of the best. Maybe that was how Sam knew your name, you had been the lead on a few avengers cases.

"Here you go" he puts the drink down and you grab it up, desperate for something to stop you fidgeting.

"So you think I have a nice ass?" he chuckles when you cough on your drink.

"It's okay. I told you, I don't mind being checked out by a hot guy" he winks and you swallow hard.

"Uh, are... Are you flirting with me?" you aks nervously.

"I though that was obvious back at the coffee stand" he smiles.

"I'm not good at this stuff. People don't usually flirt with the nerd" you mumble.

"Oh, I wanna do much more than just flirt with you" he leans a bit closer.

"You do?" you squeak out and he nods.

"I've seen you y/n. You're a hard worker and you look good in shorts. And I respect a man with a good work ethic, you do everything you possibly can to help with missions, plus I like hearing your voice in my ear" he leans in closer.

You feel your cock twitch and your skin tingle. Sam was making your mouth water from just talking. But images of other things flash through your mind. Things that you hadn't done in a long time. The thought of him bending you over and fucking you hard makes you squirm in your seat. Sam smirks knowingly at you.

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