❤️ Baby Blues - Steve

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"So you're leaving me? After everything we're going through, that's it? You're just giving up?" Tears well up and spill down your face.

"Y/n, you can't have kids and I want a family. You know I always wanted a big family" Scott stares coldly at you.

"The doctor said it wasn't impossible, that it may take some time" You try to explain but Scott shakes his head.

"You don't know that for sure. I can't wait for you" Scott spits out.


"No y/n. I'm done. You have one job as a woman. To become a mother and you can't even do that" Scott grabs his bags and leaves.

You crumble to the floor, sobbing hard into your hands. One job as a woman and you couldn't even do it. The doctor never said you couldn't have kids, just that it would be hard to conceive. Your fallopian tubes had been damaged in a horse riding accident and now later in life, it meant getting pregnant would be hard.

And Scott had given up so easily on you, he walked away like three years of marriage had been nothing to him. You try calling your parents but they aren't picking up. With a sigh you pull yourself up, you had work in the morning and a divorce to get started.


Steve can't take his eyes off you, you were so pretty but right now you look so sad. You had shadows under your eyes and you were obviously tired. You were drinking your fifth cup of coffee and typing at your desk. You also seemed shaky, he could see your hands trembling and you had knocked a few things over.

"Nat, what's wrong with y/n?" Steve asks and Nat looks at you.

"She getting divorced. I don't know why but it doesn't sound like it's going well. You should go be nice to her" Nat smiles slyly and gives Steve a nudge in your direction.

He coughs but heads over, Nat has obviously seen him looking at you. He couldn't help it, you were so nice and happy. He was drawn to you. But it looked like you needed someone. And if you did, he would be there for you.

"Hi y/n. I just wanted to say you look great today" Steve flushes, he wasn't good at flirting but he would try for you.

"Hi, Steve. Thank you. I don't feel it but the compliment is appreciated" Your smile is small. Steve was always so nice, he always came to see you and always had something nice to say.

"So are you going to the party tonight?" He asks brightly.

"Oh. I don't think so" You grimace at the thought of having to interact.

"Look, Nat told me what's going on and I think you should come. You look like you could use a drink and some fun" He leans over your desk, taking in your lovely eyes.

"I don't think I could stand to be around so many people Steve" You say quietly.

"I get it. I don't really like big crowds either, but you can stick with me. I know all the hiding places when it gets too much" His brows go up with a smile.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" It sounded like he was.

Steve flushes and stands straight, his eyes are wide but you see resolve in them. He nods and smiles at you again.

"Yeah, I am. So what do you say?" His smile gets brighter.

"I... Okay. I'd love to go with you. As long as you help me escape now and again" You laugh and Steve laughs with you.

"Deal. Want me to pick you up?" He looks more relaxed now.

"No that's okay. I'll meet you here at seven?" He nods and backs up. He thinks better of it and steps back, leaning over your desk again and kissing your cheek. He watches a flush creep over your cheeks.

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