❤️What's Mine Is Yours 4-Bucky/Steve

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Bucky rubs your back, watching you stir as he tries to wake you. His heart was in his mouth, he had dreamt of having you, loving you. And although it was never the way he wanted it to happen, he would hold onto the memories of you for the rest of his life.

He smiles when you roll over, a small smile on your face at the sight of him. He leans down for a kiss, just a small one but he couldn't seem to get enough. And that you let him do it, that was the best part. He didn't have to hide how he felt anymore. Not from you or Steve. His heart stutters at the thought of his friend. A brother who had went through hell and back for him, only to find out that Bucky loved his girl.

When you smooth his face, he blinks. He hadn't realised that he was lost in thought. The thought of you and Steve and everything that had happened, locking him in his head.

"Where did you go?" you ask him quietly, he pulls your hand from his face and kisses your palm.

"Nowhere baby, I'm right here with you" you don't look convinced but let it go.

"How long left?" you ask with a stretch.

"An hour. You slept the whole way nearly" he chuckles when you look at him in shock.

"You should have woken me. I could have flew for a while" he shakes his head.

"It's been on autopilot. I just sat in the chair" he helps you stand.

His eyes trail over your naked body, God he couldn't stop looking at you. You were beautiful, but your heart and smile were what won him over. Such a kind and loving person, to good for the world around you, to good for him. It wasn't a wonder Steve had fallen for you, you were perfect together. Two bright people fighting for a world full of darkness.

You step into him, your arm going around his waist. Your smooth skin felt like velvet to him, soft and strong. He wanted to run his hands all over you just to keep the feeling fresh. His eyes close when you kiss at his chest, your lips moving up to his neck. You tilt his head down to reach his lips, slipping your tongue in and teasing him.

"I shouldn't want you, but I do. So much" you whisper into his mouth.

Bucky's eyes widen, his hands now holding you tight. He groans when you scrape your nails down his back. And then they move to his belt, the clink loud in the quiet jet. He grips your hands and stops you, his eyes searching your face.

"Say it y/n. Say it for me" you know what he's asking for.

It makes your heart pound against your ribcage, your pulse quickens and you nod.

"I love you Bucky" his lips slam against yours, his hands scooping you up.

He wraps your legs around him, his own hands yanking at his pants and pushing them down. You're slammed into the side of the jet, your legs pulled wide as he pushes into you. You gasp as he thrusts hard, his hips pummeling you. Your head flies back, this was different, it was hard and brutal. It felt so good to let loose, to let Bucky have his way. He grunts into your neck, his face pressed tight to you.

"You feel so fucking good" he groans again.

He uses his metal hand to hold you up, his flesh one grabbing at your throat. He bites his lip as his thrusts get long and deep, his eyes watching every muscle that moves on your face.

"Say it again baby" he watches you hard.

"I love you Bucky" his eyes turn wild and he fucks into you.

You grunt and groan, your pussy quivering around him. He let's go of your neck and kisses you, his lips were as hot as he was. You wrap yourself tightly around him, his body shaking with a need to cum. His pummeling was edging you, your body ready. Another hard thrust and he brushes over soft nerves, your pussy clamps around him, squeezing him. He groans and spurts deeply as you cum with him, he pushes a few more times as both of you finish. He lowers your legs and holds your face, his kisses softening.

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