❤️ Accidents Happen - Tony

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You were in your lab, Peter had asked you to have a look at his webs. He wanted you to try and make them stronger. He had given you his compound to work with and so far it was looking good.

You grab one of the new ones and toss it at a moving target. It sticks in place, you turn a dial and the target tries to move. The web was holding so far, you up it again, smiling until it snaps.

"Damn it" you huff out.

You had made another capsule, this one was supposed to be stronger than the last one you made. You grab it from your desk but it pops in your hand, the web explodes all over your arms, sticking you to the desk.

"Well that's just great. Friday can you get Tony to come to my lab please" you hadn't exactly been stuck in a good position either.

You're bent over the desk, hands and arms glued to it. You try to turn your head when you hear a chuckle behind you.

"Hey honey, what happened here" Tony steps into your line of sight.

"I was testing the new webs for Peter and one exploded in my hands. I'm stuck to the desk" you sigh when Tony laughs again.

"Stop laughing and help me get off Tony" you growl out.

"Oh, that's exactly what I'm thinking about doing" his hand runs up your back.

You lose sight of him and hear him digging in draws. Turning your head as far as you can you see him pull out some scissors, he snips them a few times before coming back over.

"Those will never cut through this stuff" you tell him.

"It's not for the webs baby" he grins.

"Don't even think about cutting my clothes off Tony" you grunt and squirm.

"I don't need to cut this" his hand finds the zipper of your skirt and lowers it.

"Did I ever tell you how hot you look in red lace?" he ask as his fingers hook into your panties.

He slips them off and spreads your legs wide, his hand rubs through your folds. You gasp when he circles your clit.

"Oh honey, is you being tied down turning you on?" you can practically hear his smirk.

"Tony, someone could walk in" you gasp when his fingers plunge into you.

"Friday lock the door and tint the windows"

The room locks up and gets darker. Tony hasn't stopped moving his fingers inside of you, you moan when he pushes a bit harder.

"You have no idea what I want to do to you right now" he groans when he feels you gush.

"Tony, please" you beg.

His other hand runs up your back, smoothing over your spine. You tingle and moan, pushing back into his hand. He leans over and opens your desk drawer, pulling out a small bottle of lube.

"What's the hell is that for and why is it in my desk?" you moan when his fingers slip out of you.

He leans over your back to whisper in your ear.

"Remember that conversation we had about fantasies. The one you really wanted to try?" your eyes widen at his words.

You remembered exactly what he was talking about, your pussy throbs at the thought of it.

"Is that why the lube is in here?" you feel him nod.

"Theres one in our bedroom, one in my lab, here and in the kitchen. Just in case" you can definitely hear the smirk.

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