❤️ Cardio - Tony

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"You've been working out a lot lately" Nat gives Tony a speculative look.

"Just trying to keep in shape" He huffs and speeds up the treadmill.

"Uh huh, sure. Except you hate running" Her hand slammed down on the emergency stop button.

"What's going on?" She folds her arms and Tony rolls his eyes.

"Listen red, I'm not exactly getting any younger here. I'm just trying to make sure I'm as healthy as possible for as long as possible" Tony tilts his head to the side, his eyes are grim-looking.

"Right. And this has nothing to do with y/n?" She says with simple directness.

"What? No, why would it?" Tony scoffs.

"Maybe because you two have been flirting nonstop. And I'm pretty sure y/n is enjoying it" Nat smiles triumphantly when Tony's eyes light up.

"She is? I mean... We don't flirt" He scrubs his face with a towel and heads for the door.

"Hey Stark" Tony turned back to look at Nat.

"She could do worse" She smiles, and Tony lets out a sigh and nods gratefully.


You couldn't wait to get a drink now your mission was done. You were filthy, there was dirt in your hair and you were pretty sure you had swallowed some. You kept poking your tongue out, the taste in your mouth was foul and you needed something fizzy to kill the taste.

"You need to stop doing that. You look like you're having a stroke" Clint hadn't stopped laughing at you, it was his damn fault you were dirty.

"Your wit is as sharp as a butter knife" You huff and head for the kitchen.

Some punk had been running at you and Clint had fired an arrow. It had hit some button that operated a crane. The punk had dove for you and knocked you back as the crane opened up and dumped its full contents on you. It was enough to cover you from head to toe and leave the taste of mud in your mouth.

"Oh thank fuck" You grab a can of coke from the fridge and chug it all down.

The fizz burnt away the awful taste mostly, you would need to scrub your teeth as well.

"What the hell happened to you?" You flush when Tony walks in.

Of course, of all the people to see you looking like a hot mess

It had to be Tony.

"You look like you crawled out of a hole" Nat pats some dirt from your hair.

"He did it" You point over your shoulder to Clint, who is still laughing.

"Okay, I'm gonna shower before this shit starts turning into clay"

"Don't forget to scrub everywhere" Tony smirks and you blink away your blush.

"Don't worry. I've got an extra long loofah" You wink and walk away.

You had just shut your bedroom door when your phone buzzed. Your heart pounds when you see Tony has messaged you. You flush, he was asking if you had enough soap and hands to get the job done. That man knew how to tie you in knots. It wasn't even clever flirting but it was cute. It had taken you a bit to realise he was flirting. It wasn't Tony's usual style to do it in such a childish manner but it worked on you. Him just smiling was enough to make you blush furiously. Of course, when Nat asked what was going on between you both you had played dumb. You obviously had a massive crush on Tony and you think he has one on you. But nothing had happened, not beyond watching each other and comments that would embarrass a teenager. And that's what you felt like. A teenager who didn't know how to deal with their crush, you got flustered easily and Tony was so smooth. So instead, you chose to play along but not do anything about it. Or at least you had but Tony's game had picked up to touching you.

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