❤️ The Sun's Love 3 - Dr Strange

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Your physio was going well and one of the cool things about it was that Stephen let you use his cloak of levitation. It was a great help when your legs gave out, plus it seemed to like you. It was always petting your cheek when you got frustrated, or taking you to the kitchen for water, it even took you to the garden so you could calm down. Of course this time you didn't smell the Sun's Love, you didn't really need it now anyways.

Stephen was super affectionate, it was mostly in private but he always had to touch you some how. He was quick to show you how much you meant to him. He even took you to Kamar Taj, to a hidden pool in the mountains. It was a hot spring, and you both spent the day there, talking and laughing. And then he carried you into the water where you could use your arms to stay afloat. But the best part, the best part was when he sat on a hollowed out cropping of rocks and made love to you.

It had been amazing and loving and everything you could of dreamed of with him. His soft touches and kisses. The water had lapped at your skin as his fingers had plundered you, his lips on your neck as you panted and moaned for him.

"Stephen, please" you had begged for him to take you.

He had slipped inside your body easily, it was like you were made for him. His groans were loud in your ears, but it spurred you on. Had you grinding down with what strength you had, his cock so deep that you shuddered with every move he made. He had captured your face and kissed at your lips, breaths shared as he moved quicker inside you. And when his thumb had ran over you clit, stars had exploded behind your eyes. Heat filled you up, spreading through your body. The feeling amazing on two levels, one because he made you feel that way, and two because you could feel it all. In every toe, finger and nerve.

"I love you y/n" he had smiled and kissed you everywhere he could reach.

"I love you" you sigh, bliss and contentment filling you up.


"You need to keep moving, your muscles need this so they don't atrophy" Stephen encourages you.

"I know" you grit out.

You held the bar and kept your legs going, the cloak pats your head and you sigh. Your walking was getting better, but it was still slow going. You were frustrated all the time, with a body that you once could control with grace.

"God damn it" you buckle and the cloak holds you up.

"I was an avenger, I was out there kicking ass with my team and now I can barely fucking move!" you yell out, the cloak lowers you to the floor.

Tears run down your face as you sob, warm legs and arms wrap around you. Stephen holding you tight as you cry out the pain and anger. He murmurs quietly in your ear, whispers of love and devotion.

"I know my love, but you're doing incredibly well. You're further along than I anticipated" he kisses your brow.

"You keep saying that, but I just feel like it should be faster" you wipe your face.

"Everybody feels like that. But I promise you, you're doing amazing" he squeezes you tight.

"Come on, time for a break" he scoops you up and carries you to a seat.

When he puts you down he chants under his breath and music starts to play. You can't tell where it's coming from but it's sweet sounding, it calms your nerves. He holds out his hand to you expectantly.

"What?" you ask.

"I promised you, you would dance and that I would be there with you" he smiles as you put your hand in his.

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