❤️ Not A Trophy - Bucky

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"We need to stop doing this Bucky" you huff as you pull your underwear back into place.

"Why?" he asks, zipping his pants up.

"Because I have a boyfriend" you mutter.

"Some boyfriend. He leaves you for six months out of the year. Do you even know where he is this time?" he growls and turns to you.

"He's in Peru" you growl back.

"Right. Helping the kids" he nods but gives you a sarcastic look.

"That's right" you tug your jeans up.

"I don't know why you can't see it, but he's a glory hunter. He's with you for the status, his girlfriend the avenger" he huffs.

You turn and glare at him, it was true Damon was gone most of the time. The last time you had seen him, he was boarding a plane and waving at you. And you felt awful that you had ended up in bed with Bucky, he was so sweet and kind. He was a one in a million kind of guy and if you met him first you could have easily fallen in love with Bucky. But your guilt was eating you up, you had been lonely and sad and Bucky had been there for you. He told you how special you are, that your boyfriend was a moron leaving you all the time. And then he kissed you, he kissed you like there was no tomorrow. And you fell into each other, over and over again. You felt terrible for Bucky, he shouldn't have to deal with your crap and then there was Damon. You didn't know how you would ever tell him. You barely got to talk to him as it was, the phone calls and messages far and few between.

"Well thanks for making me feel wanted, I appreciate being told that I'm just being used" you huff and head for the door, slamming it behind you.

"You are wanted" he whispers and closes his eyes.

He wanted you so much that it hurt. It hurt him to watch you get excited when that moron called. It hurt when he saw your face drop because he had extended his time away. It hurt too damn much but he couldn't give you up and now you wanted to end things, which hurt all the more. He knew kissing you that night was wrong, but you looked so sad. The hurt in your eyes nearly killed him, if only he had met you first, he could have gotten you to fall in love with him instead.

He shakes his head and sighs, he knew why you wanted to stop. He had seen the guilt getting to you, the thought of using him was something you didn't like and then there was the moron. That must be eating you up inside, so he understood. But he didn't like it.

"Fuck" you mutter as you walk away from the library.

It was one of the places you and Bucky used to have alone time. It had lots of nooks and crannies, there was a large stained glass window with lots of cushions under it. That's where Bucky had first kissed you, where he had first had sex with you. It had been amazing and romantic and almost like love making. God he meant so much to you, he didn't even realise that it was killing you to break it off. But you had to, you couldn't keep living a life with him here at the tower and then a life with Damon when he came home. It hurt too much and the look in Bucky's eyes when Damon was bought up. It was painful to see the sadness in them. But it was done now, you could both let go and move on.


"What do you mean you're staying another month. Damon you promised to come home for my birthday" your phone is yanked out of your hand.

When you turn Bucky is there and his face is angry. He holds the phone and starts yelling down it.

"You're a waste of space. You have the best girl in the world here and you keep leaving her" he growls.

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