Priority One 2- Steve

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After you cleaned up, you pulled on some leggings and a tshirt. You flop on the bed, wallowing in your misery. You had known Steve would be here, you had wanted to see him for so long now. You just never knew how to go about it. And now you were some damsel in distress who he had to take care of, because you couldn't stop yourself designing things. And this new weapon. Christ, what had you done.

"Knock knock" Nat smiles as she walks in.

"How can I help you Nat?" you sit up.

"I'm about to make some food and would like to know what you like to eat" she sits beside you.

"Oh, I'm not really hungry" you tuck your legs up.

"Come on, I'll make dessert as well" she waggles her brows at you.

"Fine" you get up and follow her out the door.

"So, you and Steve?" her brows go up and you sigh.

"He told you we're married?" she nods and sits you at the breakfast bar.

"He did. I was wondering how that happened? He's never mentioned you until now" she pulls ingredients out of the fridge.

"I was part of the arctic team that dug him out. They used a laser drill I designed and wanted me there incase anything went wrong" she nods for you to continue.

"And then I was invited to the party they threw for him coming back. I was hiding in the kitchen and he was trying to do the same thing. We talked and he asked me out, so I gave him my number" you shrug and Nat smiles.

"He asked you out? Wow, I didn't think he had it in him" she tosses vegetables into a pan.

"Our first date was to a cliff side. He bought a blanket, picnic and a telescope. It was odd, but nice. I actually don't think I ever had a better date before that" you smile.

"We just talked, for hours and when it rained we sat in his car and kept talking. He was so sweet and tried to be funny, but his nerves would get the best of him. I laughed so much that night" you sigh, it had been an amazing night.

"So why are you not together now?" Nat leans on the counter in front of you.

"Once shield thought he had acclimated enough, they started to send him on mission. We were married by that point and I would only see him three, four times a week. And it just got less and less over time. If I had known they would do that, I would have taken longer to help him learn about this time, kept him to myself longer" you smile sadly at Nat.

"So you left?" you nod at her.

"I could see it hurting him. Every time he thought he let me down, didn't show up for things. It ate at him, he was torn between doing his duty to the country he had already served and then trying to be a good husband at home. It wasn't working. For either of us" you play with your fingers, not looking at her.

"So I left. I couldn't watch him keep hurting over it and he couldn't keep splitting himself in half" you shrug.

"I can see why he liked you. You have a calm way about you. I bet that was peaceful for him after coming back. It's a shame you didn't work out" Nat stirs her pot of sauce.

"Did he... Does he have somebody else now? I never liked the thought of him being alone" Steve wasn't built to be alone.

"No. Not that I haven't tried mind you. But I think now I know why he always said no to me setting him up" Nat smiles sadly at you.

"Oh, I thought I heard about him and an agent" you mumble embarrassed.

"Sharon, yeah that didn't go her way. She's Peggy's niece and I don't think that sat to well with Steve" she adds the vegetables into the sauce.

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