❤️ That Damn Plant - Bucky

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"So what is this facility again?" it was strange place made up of twisting corridors and a lot of rooms. They all seemed to hold beds with stirrups for legs as well. It was ominous and none to pleasing to look at.

"Hydra decided a while ago that breeding super soldiers was easier than making them. An army to be controlled by using the mothers as their keepers" Bucky looks in another room, disgust written all over his handsome face.

"And what are we doing here exactly?" you watch as he bristles at your comment. He never really liked you and you weren't sure why, but every time you opened your mouth it seemed to annoy him.

"We're looking to see if anything was left behind. Did you even read the Mission packet?" his tone is like gravel as he turns back to glare at you. You shrug and move past him, looking in a glass cabinet that held empty bottles.

"I skimmed it" you hear him huff behind you, sometime you just liked to annoy him for the hell of it. If he didn't like you anyways then why not?

"You're a pain in my ass, do you know that? I never understood why you were taken on, why Steve insisted you be one of us" he shakes his head and marches past you down the corridor.

"Ouch" yeah that one hurt, he could be cruel in the things he said but it had never been about your ability to the job before. Steve had always said you were a good person and being a hero with a heart helped with the job.

"Look, just because you're a miserable dick bag doesn't mean I have to be" you scramble after him, barking at his back.

"Shut up" he growls and your eyes widen. That was it, you'd had enough of his bullshit for today

"You shut up, you fucking asshole" your eyes widen more when he slaps a handover your mouth, effectively silencing you.

"Stop running your damn mouth at me and just listen" his head cocks to the side, picking up on something you couldn't hear yet.

"What is it?" you whisper, yanking his hand away quickly. It had taken a lot for you not to bite him right there.

"Sounds like rustling, like leaves or something" he mutters and starts walking away.

You find a room full of plants, weird deep pink plants. And the leaves were shaking. You look closer, it wasn't the leaves, there are small buds among them and they're shaking violently. A one to the left erupts and a pink mist fills the air, it smells sweet. Sickly sweet like rotten flowers and honey. Bucky grabs your arm but it's too late, a plant in front of you erupts in your face. You feel the mist cover your skin, lips and hair. Bucky yanks you away but another erupts and sprays your clothes, the stuff was melting into your skin as you stood gaping at it.

"Move it sweetheart" you're pulled from the room and back to a one you had been in previously. You blink, feeling your skin tingle and what felt like crawling in your veins.

Bucky shoves you onto the bed his eyes searching your face. He can see the pink mist dissolving, the droplets absorbed by your skin. Where they touched a flush covers you until your whole face is glowing from it.

"Wait here" he heads out the door and back to the room, he looks about quickly finding a clipboard full of pages. His eyes scan it, widening with the more he reads.

"Fuck!" he growls and heads back to you, he stops in the door seeing you pull your gun holster off hurriedly.

"What are you doing?" he steps in and tries to stop you as your hands grip for your jacket.

"It's too hot. I'm burning Bucky. My veins feel like they are on fire and my insides are twisting" you scramble to push his hands away. He let's go and you rip the jacket off, sighing at the small amount of relief it gives.

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