❤️ Sex Magick 4 - Steve

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When you wake up, you see the team sitting around. You're in the med wing, hooked up to drips and wires. You felt a bit better, not full strength by any means but at least you could keep your eyes open now.

"Hey there she is" Tony steps forward and squeezes your hand.

"Hey" you struggle to sit up but Tony holds you down while Nat presses the button for the bed to move.

"Where's Steve?" you ask and look around the room.

"He's beating himself up, he thinks this is all his fault" Nat tells you.

You roll your eyes and sigh, he was always so dramatic.

"How would any of this be his fault?" you huff and Nat shrugs.

"Because that woman was after him" she surmised.

"Oh good grief, can someone call him and tell him to get his ass down here. Like now!" you snap.

Tony laughs and sits down, he was gonna enjoy the ass chewing you would give Steve.

"You. Out" you point at him and he huffs.

"You're no fun" he mutters and takes Nat with him.

You shake your head and wait for Steve to show up. His fault. Was he serious? The man was a born martyr.

"Hey you" Steve steps in quietly and sits down.

"So what's this I've been hearing about you blaming yourself?" you ask and he looks down.

"Well it sort of was my fault" he mutters.

"Shut up you idiot. That thing was out killing people before she found you, and anything after was all her. Your fault indeed. Rogers you are as dumb as a bag of rocks when you want to be" you huff out.

"So what I'm hearing is, I'm stupid" he sits forward and watches your face.

"You are if you believe its your fault" you fold your arms.

"Okay, I'm stupid then" he grins and grabs your hand.

"I'm stupid and in dept to you, and I'm stupidly in love with you" he says quietly.

Your eyes flick to his face, you frown as what he said sinks in. He had been adamant that he could do the sex spell with you, totally sure that his love of Peggy wouldn't hold him back. And now you knew why.

"You love me?" you ask and he nods.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" he smiles but there's a touch of worry in his eyes.

"No, I just wasn't expecting for you to say something like that" you tell him honestly.

"You thought I still love Peggy" he asks and you nod.

"Yes. And like I said before, your love is yours" he nods and sits back.

"Let me ask you something. When we talked about the spell, why do you think I was so willing to do it with you? Even after everything you said about me and Peggy, I was ready to do it, in a heartbeat with you" his brows go up and your mouth pops open.

"I, uh. I thought it was because you wanted to stop the sorceress" he smiles and shakes his head at you.

"If this had been suggested with anyone else, I wouldn't have been able to do it. When you asked if I could have sex just once and move on, I'm not that type of guy and I think you know that" he takes your hand and kisses it.

You did know that, you always knew Steve was a love all, die all kind of guy. You just hadn't realised that his love all was about you. His smile gets brighter when he sees the realisation on your face.

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