Did She? - Tony

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The room shudders as another explosion rocks the building, dust and sparks crackle in the air when a computer explodes in the back.

"Tony they're trying to take down Fridays defences" you shout into a comm.

"Yeah, I see them honey" Tony grunts and you can hear his blasters going off.

You're knocked to your ass when a window imploded beside you, coughing up dust you get to your feet and run for your computer. The rest of the team is outside fighting off whoever is attacking. There had been no threats, no demands, just bombs going off and gun fire.

"Miss y/l/n, the tower has been breached" Friday let's you know.

"Where?" you yell and try to pull up the cameras.

"They're in the elevator and are on their way to the avengers floor. You have three minutes"

"Shit, Tony they're inside" you yell and grab a gun from a draw.

They had to be after something Tony had made, there was no other explanation for an outright attack on the building.

"Honey get out of the lab, they've gotta be after that data we found at a hydra Base. Get to the roof and I'll swing by and grab you" more explosions rock the building.

You make your way to the side stairs, you didn't want to go near the elevator if they were coming in your direction.

"Why the fuck did I wear a skirt today?" you huff out and keep running.

Two more flights and you'd be at the roof, a door bangs open a few flights down and you hear footsteps pounding up the stairs. Looking over the side you see at least five men following you up.

"Fuck. Tony you had better be there because I'm being followed" you kick your shoes off and tear your skirt up the side.

It made it easier to run but the men were closing in fast. You run through the door and close it behind you, shoving some junk in front of it. You back up to the edge, gun aimed and waiting for them to get through. You see it move before it's kicked open. You fire off some rounds and the men duck back inside.

"I'm coming baby, just hold on" Tony calls in your ear.

You turn when you see him getting closer, ready to run and jump in his arms. Stepping on the ledge, you take a step but heat blooms in your side. When you look down, blood is welling up under your white blouse. Your hand is covered in it, shouting draws your attention back to the men. But the world is getting foggy and sounds are distant. You blink heavily and teeter for a moment.

"NO!" Is screamed in your ear as you topple over the side.

Cold air whips your hair around your face, tears stream from your eyes and everything just feels cold. You grunt when your body hits something hard and unyielding. A voice calls your name and hands pull at you. But it's too hard to open your eyes, and your body aches.

"Leave me alone" you moan out painfully.

A chuckle and warmth covers you. When your eyes open again, everything is still blurry and an incessant beeping is annoying you. Faces keep appearing and disappearing, it makes you dizzy and confused. Easier to keep them closed until your brain catches up.


"It's the right thing to do. She nearly died because I allowed her to help us"

"She works for you Tony, it's her job. You can't just toss her out because she was injured"

"I'm not just tossing her out. She'll get a great severance package and help moving her stuff"

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