❤️ The Sun's Love - Dr Strange

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Stephen was a pain in the ass, the ego on him was infuriating, he came across as cold and shallow. You would think nearly dying would have given him some humility, but nope. Complete pain in the ass. So for you it was odd that you had fallen for him, not that he noticed. He was to fixated on Christine, didn't matter that she was getting married to someone else, because to him she was the one that got away. Besides, he was always rude to you. You weren't even sure why, you hadn't done anything to him as far as you knew. But he was always so cruel and nasty, it was heartbreaking.

"Why are you still here?" he all but yells at you.

"Because I was told to be" you sigh and head away from him.

You were part of the team helping protect the sanctum, a threat had been called in that it was going to be attacked. So you, Nat and Tony were here to help. Except Stephen didn't want your help, he didn't mind Nat and even Tony didn't seem to rile him up the way you did. So you had stayed out of his way for the most part, except for bumping into him at breakfast and somehow you had ended up in the room opposite his. Wong had looked smug at that.

"Where are you going?" he calls after you.

"Just to the garden" you don't even look back, you didn't want to see the look of hatred on his face anymore.

The garden was beautiful, Wong had told you that Stephen had done it. That it had once been empty flower beds and dirty old pots until he came along. It was a lush green sanctuary now, with vines and flowers everywhere. The vivid orange flowers that you didn't recognise were your favourite, the smell coming from them was devine. It was mouthwatering enough that you wanted to take a deep breath of them.

When you breathe in the scent, your blood feels warm. Your scalp tingling and your mind fuzzy. You giggle and feel floaty, the world looked like you were looking at it through a soap bubble.

"Y/n? You okay?" Wong was watching you oddly.

"I'm wonderful" you sigh.

"Please tell me you didn't smell the flowers?" he sighs frustrated.

"Just the pretty orange ones" you laugh.

"For the love of.. Come on, we need to get you to your room. You've inhaled the sun's love" he drags you back to he door.

"The suns love?" you ask.

"The pretty orange flower. And now you're gonna be all weird and giggly" he leads you down the stairs.

"Giggly is fun" you pout.

"For you maybe, for the rest of us you're gonna be a pain in the butt. I'll have to make sure Strange stays away from you" he opens your bedroom door and shoves you in.

"Stephen doesn't like me very much and I don't know why" you sit on the bed.

"Just stay here" he backs away.

"I mean it. You can't get near Stephen like this, it'll affect him as well" he closes the door.

You wanted to go back to the roof garden, the colours were more bright and shiny up there. This room was dark and dull, it was killing your buzz. You blink heavily, whatever that plant had done to you was making you foggy. Maybe a shower would clear your head, you grab a towel and head out the door. The bathroom was clean and small, and the shower looked inviting. You strip quickly and step into the hot water, it felt amazing. Your tingly skin now felt like it was vibrating. You step out and dry off, wrapping the towel around you. Your head was now a bit clearer, but the fizz was still there. It was a pleasant feeling, making you feel relaxed and content.

Until you open the door and walk straight into your biggest fan. You grunt and look up, a smile on your serene face.

"Wong wasn't kidding, you look so high right now" he smirks at you.

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