❤️ See You Again 2 - Bucky

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You pace around Steve as he lays in the bed, he looked so much better already. His skin had gotten its colour back and there was no sweat on him now. His heart was doing good and the round the clock treatment was doing its job.

You couldn't believe what happened, Fauccy had worked for hydra all along. There was now an investigation into any patients he had worked on. Specifically any person who had connections to the government or Shield. He had disappeared in all the commotion at the hospital, and no cameras picked him up leaving the premises. You frown, how was that even possible?

With a last check of Steve, you head out the door. You had an idea of how he had gotten out. You find Tony in the kitchen with Nat. They smile when they see you.

"There's our hero" Tony pats your back as you sit.

"What the hell are you talking about?" you frown at him.

"Princess, you saved two super soldiers lives yesterday" Tony throws his hands up in the air.

"When?" you look at Nat but she just nods along with Tony.

"You pushed Bucky out the way of a bullet and pulled Steve out the way of another, as well as giving him the antibiotics when he needed them, I might add" he rolls his eyes.

"Doing my job doesn't make me a hero" you look at him like he's crazy.

"Saving someone after they've been hit by bullets is your job, before the bullet is a hero in my book" he shrugs.

"Where is Bucky anyways?" you change the subject.

"Working off his anger in the gym" Nat sips her coffee.

Wonderful, you weren't in the mood to deal with a pissed off Bucky.

"So hot stuff, I'm throwing a party in your honour tonight. Pepper has sent out for outfits and other stuff for you so you can't say no" he grins at you.

"I don't need a party" you roll your eyes at him.

"It's already being planned so get in the party spirit" he walks away before you can say anything.

"Christ sake. I'm gonna crash for a few hours if I have to party. I'm running on about three hours sleep by this point" you head off to the medical bay to check Steve one last time before hitting the hay.


You wake up about five hours later, your body and mood felt better for it. When you get up there's a box on your bed with a big ribbon on it. You pop the lid off to find a black silk dress, when you hold it up you see how short it is. Tony had good if a slightly perverted taste in clothes. There's a pair of sky high high heels and underwear as well as some make up. You shake your head, he must have had Friday scan your measurements for all this.

"Friday when does the party start?" you ask as you head to the shower.

"You have an hour and thirty minutes miss y/l/n"

You clean up quickly and dry off, all of the rooms were stocked with hair brushes, toothbrushes and other toiletries for you to use at least. You grab the strapless bra and panties, pulling them on you look in the mirror.

"Not bad" you huff.

You quickly brush your hair and apply some lipstick and mascara. You didn't really like a lot of makeup, at work you just sweat it off. But the plum lipstick went nicely with the dress. You pull it on and zip it up. When you check the time, you had five minutes left.

"Party time" you head for the elevator, you can hear the music as you get closer to the floor it's on.

The doors open and there are a lot of people milling about. Some are dancing, others drinking and talking. You spot Nat at the bar, talking to Bruce. You decide she's your safest bet and head over.

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