Empathetic Love - Steve/Bucky

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You wash up quickly, the mission had sucked and you were filthy from it. The gunk in your hair makes you shudder in disgust. Why the fuck hydra was underground, you didn't know but fuck me. When the tunnel collapsed you got a face and head full of mud. It took three washes to get it all out. Finally, when you feel clean, you get out and dry off. Grabbing some panties and a shirt to stop the cold air. You hated the safe houses, they all sucked and were bare of anything except what Shield considered the essentials. Which boiled down to a bathroom, bed and kitchen.

You were thoroughly drained as well now, your abilities never got used often, so when you did use them they wiped you out. Of course, you practiced but not many people liked to be used by an empath. You could crack them open and read every emotion they had, and when practised it was usually annoyance. At you. But this mission needed you to read the head honcho's intent. The team did know why Hydra was literally underground, they had been causing natural disasters with some sort of machine that could cause earthquakes. Disrupting economies and governments to take them over. They had been stopped so far but this last mission had felt off and you told Steve so. So he pulled you out and Hydra had set off the tunnel to collapse as you left. Steve and Bucky had already cleaned up and you were left in peace with what little hot water was left.

And now you sat on the toilet brushing your damp hair out, making sure all the crap was gone from it. You let your mind drift, waiting for the smell of food so you could sleep soon. But the thing about being an empath was as an ability, it didn't turn off. So when you feel anger, it causes a panic in you. Pushing your power out further, feeling more anger and frustration. It wasn't coming from Bucky or Steve. It was outside of the safe house and closing in.

You run out of the bathroom and Steve gapes at you in lacey panties and a damp t-shirt. But he sees the panic in your eyes and immediately goes into Captain America mode, Bucky's demeanouror turns cool as he peeps around the curtains.

"How many?" Steve asks and grabs his shield.

You close your eyes and spread your power out again. Six, no seven, there's a sniper further out and he has the feeling of satisfaction written all over him. You dive for Bucky and pull him away just as the window shatters.

"Seven" You huff and roll onto your back.

Bucky is up and dragging you with him quickly, he pushes you towards Steve who hands you a gun. He nods and you close your eyes again. You point to the door and hold up three fingers, Bucky's gun cocks and the door bursts open. Three dead men now block the doorway, Steve shoves their bodies out into the snow and slams the door closed.

"Where?" he asks and you point up.

The skylight smashes and two men jump in, you grunt when one rams his gun into your gut. Rolling on the floor groaning, the feel of absolute burning anger washes over you. Bucky smashes one guy in the face as Steve pulls the other one backwards and slams him into the wall hard enough that a crack forms.

"Duck" You scream as a shot is fired through the broken window, Steve grunts as he's clipped in the arm.

But he grabs the gun and pulls hard, the man holding it is dragged in. Steve's shield makes a ringing noise as it bounces off the man's body armour. The man groans and stays down after the fourth hit, Steve pants and looks at you.

"Where's the last one?" You send out your power, he was creeping closer towards the back of the house.

"he's trying for the back" Bucky nods and slips out the broken window.

You jump when the bang of a gun goes off, pushing your powers out and feeling for Bucky's normally calm mind. Your body sags in relief when you feel him, his mind not so calm at the moment. He stomps back in and tosses a bag on the table.

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