Chapter Seven: Intelligent

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"Okay let's see, there we go!" Raven looked at the tables, having constructed a longer one in hopes of making transporting him easier. She pushed it through the door, quickly making her way down the hall with it. As she approached the two, she gave a wave, "Got it."

William looked towards Raven, "Took you long enough." He trotted up to her before taking a look at the table, "Yeah, this could work, but how are we going to get him on it?" They both glanced at the Irinaut, then back at one another.

"Oh well, I uh, didn't really think that through. Wait! We could lay it on it'a side and line him up with it. Then we can just hoist it up on its side with some good old fashion leverage." Raven turned the table before setting it down. She tied ropes on to one side of the table's legs, "Okay, now let's pull the Irinaut down and lay his back against it."

William though he couldn't be seen through the mask, showed obvious distaste. He hesitant walked up and grabbed one of the being's legs, "Alright, hurry it up over there. I don't want to touch this thing any longer then I need to."

"Could you hold on for one second? I don't want this thing to topple over. There." She slapped her hands together, "See that wasn't to long was it?"

"Just hurry up please?"

As Raven stood and stepped over the table, she just chuckled a bit, "You act like he's about to bite you or.." Raven tensed as she looked at the Irinaut. Those two golden pools glowing beneath his hood, followed by a sudden jolt of his hand towards William, "William!"

"Huh? Woah!" Before William could act, Raven had shoved him back. Raven's heart was throbbing in her chest as the two slammed down into the floor together.

Both stumbled, rolling over and turning towards the lone Irinaut, who was just, staring. His golden veins that ran along his hands, and within the sleeve could be seen letting off that bright hue.

"It's awake, holy shit it's awake." William started to radio in to Sage and Jacques, uncertain they would hear, "Copy this is William, we're out of tranquilizers and target is conscious. I repeat, the target is conscious, over." William spoke calmly, but his body was visibly tense, and breathing more through his mouth, "Raven.."

Raven's eyes hadn't come off the Irinaut's once again after she had turned herself over. The soldier felt as if time had stopped.

The Irinaut hadn't moved, but his attention had turned to the cuffs on his wrists and ankles, which followed the alien saying something, but in his own language. It was quite aggressive, and followed by a hiss.

She fumbled with the button before holding it up for the beast to see, "Hey, big guy." Raven pointed at the button, "You do anything stupid, boom." She made exploding motions on her ankles and wrists.

The Irinaut rolled his eyes before standing. He stumbled a bit back and forth; using his canine like feet to dig into the tile floor in order to hold himself up, as well as bracing against the wall.

"Oh fuck I figure we'd be given a warning that he was waking up." William pointed his gun at the Irinaut after he had managed to get up himself, "Raven, I don't even know why you're trying I doubt it understands you!"

The creature didn't move for a moment, but his eyes were locked on Raven as she spoke, and then William. He scanned over his ankles, and his wrists, before tapping the devices, and reaching his hand out to Raven. A low growl could be heard boiling in his throat as he spoke in his own language.

Raven and William glanced at one another, and then back at the Irinaut. Raven shook her head no, as she held the detonator in hand, "I'm not giving this to you. You can either sit back down, or I'm pushing the button. I'm warning you, sit down!"

The Irinaut's hand curled slowly; his two fingers resting on his palms. It was clearly thinking. Not necessarily something they had seen any infected Irinaut take the time to do.

William pointed his gun at the alien, "She said sit down you ugly fuck!"

The beast roared out beneath it's hood as the gun was pointed at him. His eyes and those golden veins brightened before he reached his hand towards William, the glow moving towards his fingertips.

William's body visibly tensed, his arms were shaking, "A-Ahh.." The man began to walk forward towards the Irinaut, gun still in hand. His limbs were stiff, "What's going on?!"

Raven gasped out sharply, "William? Shit!" She flipped the detonator on, "Stop! I swear I'll do it!" Those as she said that, she felt her body just, tense. It was as if she were being pressed tightly between two mattresses. The woman could barely move, and the weight making it difficult to breathe.

The Irinaut's gaze rested on the woman now, his hand still pointed towards William.

"Fuck, Raven do something!" William was nearly on arms reach of the beast, his feet dragging the ground as he attempted to stop himself from walking, but he couldn't.

"I can't move!" Her heart felt like it was going to leap out of her chest. She looked at the two of them in horror, yelling out at the alien, "Don't hurt him! P-Please, we're out here trying to stay alive just like..." Before she could finish what she was saying, the large creature took hold of William's gun before slamming the butt of it into the side of his head.

"William!" Raven shrieked. The woman did everything in her power to move, but she couldn't.

The Irinaut dropped the gun next to the man, who had fell limp on the ground. His attention then turned towards Raven, who was still standing in that threatening position to push that button. He leaned down towards her, standing at least two foot higher then her. The beast let out a low snarl before taking the button from her and putting it into his cloak. He began pointing at the bands on his wrists again, and putting them in Raven's face.

"Fuck you."

A loud huff could be heard beneath the mask, followed by a frustrated hiss. The Irinaut suddenly grabbed Raven around the waste and pulled her towards him.

"Let go! Get off me!" Raven couldn't move it she wanted to. Her heart was throbbing in her chest, it was hard to breathe, but when she heard a loud horn, it seemed to get both their attentions.

The Irinaut lifted his head and looked towards the noise. His veins began to pulse brightly, and oddly, a worried whine escaped him. The ground beneath them, it felt as if it were shaking. He looked back and forth as he held Raven against him. Clearly something was coming their way.

"Shit, shit!" She felt her feet come off the ground, the Irinaut held her tightly in his arms, and quickly move out of the building. The woman shrieked out, "Let go of me! Let go!" But as she did so, the screeches of others could be heard.

The beast stopped for a moment to scout the area, a crackled whine could be heard as he looked down the halls. As Raven screamed he looked towards her and roared out, which, seemed to do the trick. He suddenly began moving, running quickly down the road.

The woman found herself oddly exhausted, and in shock. The more she screamed the tighter that feeling in her chest got. As that controlling weight continued to strain her body, her vision slowly became black, before she fell unconscious. All the while, the beast didn't stop running.

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