Chapter Thirty-Seven: The Flight

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'Are you almost done in there?' Fex threw a ball up and down in the main control room as Zio worked on a panel. The dark blue Irinaut took the ball and threw it down the length of the ship, and the Yetis almost immediately went after it, 'How long before we actually leave?'

Zio grinned, grunting as he seemed to be twisting something underneath, 'What, is my company not enough anymore?' The male watched as the ship lit up. He sat up, watching as everything seemed to start up.

'Holy shit, everything, it's on!' Fex looked around as Zio seemed pleased with his work. They had been trying to get the ship completely up and running for months now, and they were finally getting somewhere.

Zio purred, his hollows danced in those reds and blues, 'We should be able to head Osa's way in roughly a week. I just need to check some of the wiring systems and make sure nothing is leaking, again.' The male hummed softly, his eyes brightened as he heard a beep, "Hmm?" Zio hummed as he heard the control panel go off. He looked towards Fex, 'Osa must be back.'

'Great. Let's see what he's bossing us around to do now.' Fex sneered his lip a bit as he leaned against the wall and looked towards the screen while Zio pulled open the message, but what they saw was disturbing.

Zio and Fex watched as Raven came on the screen, her eyes showed visible fear, and Osa was no where to be seen, "What the hell..?" Fex stood up straight as he saw Raven on the screen, even shoving Inka off as she attempted to give him the ball, 'What's wrong with her, Zio?'

Zio leaned forward and turned up the screen by rolling a sphere on the control panel, 'I..I do not know. I can not understand her, but she is in obvious distress...' As they saw the blood, Zio tensed, 'She's hurt?'

Fex shifted a bit, even walking forward to look at the screen, 'Where's Osa? He said he'd be back in two weeks.' The male whined softly, 'Something's wrong.'

Zio just held up his hand, 'Wait.' The male rewinded the video to the part where Raven had turned to the side and showed her belly. The Irinaut's almost instantly saw that she was pregnant, and that gold glow emitting from her belly, 'She's pregnant..' Zio had paused the video, just staring at the screen and the glow on the belly.

Fex was doing the same, a hum rumbled in his chest as he took a step forward and looked at the screen. The Irinaut's ruby red eyes glowed brightly, his head cocked to the side, 'Zio is that what I think it is or am I seeing things?'

Zio was silent, his claws clicked against the control panel as he rewinded the video all the way back again and just listened. One thing Zio and Fex lacked was English language. Unlike Osa who was quite interested in human culture. As the two of them rewatched the video, Zio found himself finally nodding to Fex, 'She is very pregnant with a queen, and I believe she is in labor.'

Fex's eyes became slit. The male tilted his head to the side, 'Alright that doesn't answer my question. Why is she sending us a message and not Osa? Where is he? How long ago did she send this?'

Zio shook his head, 'She is clearly in distress.' He whined softly, 'She mentions him, but, I can't understand much more.' As he looked at the time, he grimaced, 'Twelve hours ago..' The male continued to tap the controls, seeming more panicked now, 'She needs our help.' The male stood up, immediately walking back and heading down to the bottom levels.

Fex followed Zio, barking out, 'Zio? Where the hell are you going?' As the pale blue male climbed down into the lower levels, Fex followed him, only, he jumped down instead of taking the ladder. Zio was already looking over wirings and for leaks, 'Zio will you answer me?' He hissed out.

Zio glanced towards Fex, 'Fex, if we are correct, if she is pregnant, and in labor, she needs our help.' He winced as one of the several wires shocked him. The male groaned out, 'She is pregnant with a queen, and it is our job to protect royal blood, Fex.' He hummed softly, 'This could change everything for everyone.'

'Why didn't he tell us? He's kept her pregnancy with a queen hidden the entire time, when we're busting our ass to get there?' Fex sneered his lip. Being younger, he had a bit of arrogance about him.

'If you are going to act like that, I would not have told you either, Fex.' Zio's jaw popped, 'I know I had a queen in my hands, I would keep it secret until I knew I could trust them. She is pregnant with his daughter, our queen. I do not blame him for his secrecy, but they need our help now, and that is what we should be worried about.' Zio walked over to a panel on the wall before sticking his hand to it, a pulse ran through him and into the wall, and everything below seemed to turn on immediately.

Fex looked up, seeing the Yetis pacing back and forth at the top as he and Zio spoke. The male thought for a moment, and simply nodded, 'As much as I hate saying you're right Zio..' He clapped his hands together, 'When are we leaving?'

Zio was pacing as he checked over everything in the lower level, 'As soon as I check over the rest of these panels. I need you to go to the fuel tanks, and make sure that everything is connected correctly. Check and double check everything. She can't wait any longer, and if Osa's is not there, I cannot help but think the worst.' He whined softly.


A few hours had passed, and Fex had done as Zio asked, making sure everything was ready, and nothing was out of place, and that they were ready, even if they weren't actually ready. The dark blue Irinaut was tightening bolts and pieces, really just making sure nothing could go wrong heading there.

Zio came up, his hands and face covered in soot. The tall male rubbed his palm over his face, 'That should do it.'

Fex turned to Zio, 'Glad you finally decided to join me up here. I need help with adjusting the engine and setting the brackets back down on it. Last time I did it you got pissed and said I did it wrong so.' Fex grinned, but Zio was obviously not amused, wiping the male's grin off his face, 'What'd I do this time?'

Zio ignored him, simply throwing up his hand and walking over to the engine, 'Did you get everything bolted in up here? Tell me you did not waste time.'

Fex sneered his lip, his eyes became slit, 'See that's your problem, you always think I fucked something up when in fact, I didn't.' He hissed as he climbed down into the engine hold with Zio, 'You know, going to them is as important to me as it is you, Zio. I might not say it or show it, but I want to save them as badly as you do.'

All the while the two argued, the oddly worked in sync, hooking up the engine and getting it properly set in place, and making sure nothing was missing. Zio seemed content with the work, but even so the two went over one another's work before deciding it was now or never.

'Fex, prepare to start the engines.' Zio put his palm on the panel, as did Fex. Their Current shot through them and into the control panel. As everything began to turn on, Zio hit another switch before clicking different crystal buttons. He hummed, 'Destination set, preparing to lift off.'

Fex tensed, squeezing the sides of his seat as he watched Zio click a large red button. The ship suddenly shook before suddenly lifting off the ground. Large amounts of leaves, sticks, limbs, dirt, and even small rocks began to fall off the entire ship. The windshield became clear, but the world around them was dark. The red eyed Irinaut grinned, even clapping his hands together, 'It works! Zio, it works! Fucking hell.' The male fell back in his seat, tensing as the ship still shook occasionally, 'How long is it going to take to get there?'

Zio nodded, 'Not in the shape I would be comfortable piloting, but it is going to have to do.' The ship began to move forward, zooming through the skies. The two of them looked to the side of the screen, where Raven's video was still open. The male looked forward towards the sky, below parts of the world burned, and war was waged. The male pulled up the map, 'The quickest, ten hours.'

Fex sat up in his seat, hissing out, 'Ten hours?! I know this thing is faster than that, Zio. She can't wait that long.'

Zio shook his head, 'Fex, we do not have a choice. If we use the hyper-speed it could over heat. We did not have nearly enough coolant for it. They need us there in one piece, not pieces. We were far from ready to put this ship in the air, but we don't have a choice.'

Fex began to bounce his leg, his eyes dimmed as he heard this news. All he could do was stare outside the windshield as the flew through the air. The two of them just fell silent as they stared forward, both wishing they could just stop time and get there sooner rather than later.

We're coming, my queen.

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