Chapter Thirty-Two: The Pair

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'Could you stop for moving for one fucking second!?" The Irinaut hissed, his vibrant emerald eyes brightened as he roared out at an infected Irinaut. He had his hands braced against its chest as it snapped wildly at him. The male had a long blade in hand as the drooling beast clawed and snapped viciously at. Beneath his mask those green pools only brightened, 'Fex, where the fuck are you with the Yetis?!'

Suddenly, a Yeti came out of a building, roaring and charging at the two brawlers. It was covered in a metal plating armor. Its fur was solid white. The Yeti was canine like, having a blacked out solid mask with two glowing yellow eyes. Along its head, was one large Hollow, its claws glowing in a sun colored hue. Feathers ran across the backs of its front and hide legs, and a long furred serpent like tail followed behind it.

As quickly as it came barreling out of the building, it slammed into the infected Irinaut and began to roll. A almost mechanical roar could be heard behind the mask as the Yeti brought itself into it's hind legs, now hovering over the infected Irinaut, who was twisting around after having it's ribs slammed into. As it stood, its armored front paws raised, large blades popped from the front of them before it slashed down, cutting the infected Irinaut's head clean off.

"Fucking hell..' The Irinaut laid on the ground; not really caring to move at this point, his eyes on the sky before hearing steps come towards him, 'I told you we shouldn't be out here at night, Fex. This place is crawling with them.'

The other being walked out. Another two yetis followed behind him as he held a fuel capsule in his hand, completely full. The Irinaut shrugged, casually running his fingers along the capsule, 'I got the fuel did I not, Zio?' Fex whistled at the solid white Yeti, who immediately turned towards them and came back, seeming to check on Zio almost immediately.

Fex crackled, a low growl came from him, 'You should had listened when I told you to keep Inka out here with you.' He shoved the fuel in a case, 'Should be enough, right?'

Zio sat up. The male looked at the Yeti as it approached him before patting its side and standing, 'It should be, yes. All we need now is a working core, and we'll be able to find Osa.' He watched the two other Yetis much larger then Zio's own, Inka. Both had the same signature Hollows on their heads.

One, was quite broad, with one glowing red eye, the other sheer white. Both were solid black in color. Only one side seemed to be completely blind, while the other had a single solid red eye. The beast snarled as the it shook it's head. Even shoving its head into the other, 'What are you doing? Tillian, knock it off.' Fex hissed out at the Yeti, who simply grunted and ran along to Inka. The male raised up his arms, and stretched, 'I don't understand why we're going to him. A grunt like him has it handled. We should do what I said, and leave now.'

Zio cackled as he brushed off. The male rolled his shoulders, 'Stop. I told you, any communications we receive from others, we're going. You're an alpha, start acting like one. Besides you know as well as I, our ship could not make it home.' The Irinaut took the vile from Fex, 'This should be more than enough.' He chirped out, a grumble rolled in his chest, 'We should get moving. I am certain we were heard.'

Fex threw his bag over his shoulder before roaring out at his two Yetis, who immediately turned back to Fex and ran to him. The blue skinned male hummed softly before scoffing at Zio, 'Yeah, I know, but you're sure he's the real deal right? This isn't some bullshit like last time?'

Zio grimaced beneath his mask as they moved through the torn city, recalling their last attempt at finding a group, 'He is not like them, Fex. Osa is someone who can help us as much as we can help him. I read his files, what was accessible with his class.' The Irinaut seemed to be thinking about it himself, 'We've been in contact with Osa for over four months now. If he was like them, if he wanted what they did, I am certain we would have seen signs by now.' The male rolled his eyes, 'We will be fine.'

Fex didn't know what to say at first, seeming to really take in what Zio was saying, 'What you could read?' He snarled, 'That's not really reassuring. Have you at least met him?'

'No.' Zio barked out, 'Not formally. Osa led some of the first attacks on the infected before your initiation. He was one of the first that got on the ships to come looking for a life somewhere else.'

'I'm sure he regrets it now.' Fex laughed out in a cackle, but Zio's amusement wasn't returned, 'Oh come on, lighten up would you? I didn't mean to take so long. Fuck.' Fex adjusted his mask, 'I'm gonna trust you on this. He better not be a feral bastard. I'll put him in his place real fast.'

Zio rubbed his palm over his face mask, 'Fex, I would watch your tongue. You are speaking ill of someone who is willing to help us, and he will be able to hear your thoughts better then I.' As they turned down an alley, Zio  glanced behind them occasionally.

The younger Irinaut rolled his eyes, not seeming impressed, 'Alright, alright, so what, it's just him?' Fex began pulling at his jacket to close it. The male was never one for the cold.

'No. He has a human mate. He recently informed me in our last messages.' Zio shook his head, 'He didn't want us to hurt her had we not known, but to my knowledge they are the only two. He has continued to send out messages, but so far you and I are the only one's who have managed to contact him back.'

Fex nodded. As they approached a man hole, he looked down at it, 'Yeah, well, I won't touch his precious human. Not my type.' The Irinaut got the lid off with ease before sending the Yetis in first. He hopped back and forth on his feet before looking down, 'I'll never understand why their caves are so damn dark.' He suddenly took a step forward before falling in. A splash landing could be heard. He chirped out to Zio, 'Come on. I want to get back to the ship.'

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