Chapter Thirty-Eight: Little Moon

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Raven had been in labor for well over twenty-four hours now, and she was in pain. Everything just, hurt. She had ended up fixing herself a spot in Osa's bedroom. The toast was still on the floor. The woman screamed out in pain, her breathing heavy as she sat with her back to the wall, and her legs opened. The woman was exhausted from trying to push, but nothing was happening.

Osa had said he had delivered children before. Not ever his own, but in a better time. Raven laid her head back against the wall, sobbing as she held her stomach. The woman didn't know what was wrong, but something felt rather off. She didn't feel like she as getting anywhere, her body was aching, and she really wasn't getting anywhere.

As she sat there, the woman shut her eyes tightly and squeezed the blankets. Her toes curled, and all she could do was sob. Her body was exhausted, and she wasn't sure she could go much longer.

Part of it felt as if she was fighting labor. The idea of giving birth alone was frightening. The woman didn't know what to do, and by no means felt prepared. Raven held her stomach as she breathed deeply, "Y-You're making this hard little girl." Raven choked up. Even now she didn't know what to do about the oxygen, how she was going to get out, or if Zio and Fex understood her message enough to know she was in distress.


'Where the fuck is it?' Fex growled out as he paced the waters with Zio and the Yetis. The male barked out as he kicked some debris, 'We've been looking for this damn chain for hours, Zio! Are you sure we got it right?'

Zio chirped, 'I followed the coordinates exactly. Knowing what I do now, I would make it difficult to find as well.' As Zio came up on a tunnel, he crouched down and began running his fingers through the sand, 'Stop complaining, and help me look.'

Fex gestured towards the water, 'Let's just go in. For all we know he sent us the wrong coordinates! He could be playing us right now, Zio!' He roared out and took a step forward, but as he did, he heard a clinking sound between his toes. "Hmm?" A hum rumbled in his throat. The male crouched down before digging at the dirt. His eyes widened as he saw the chain. The Irinaut grabbed it and pulled it up. Sure enough, it went straight into the water, 'Zio.'

The pale blue Irinaut was already moving towards Fex. The male grabbed the chain before looking at a piece of paper he had been carrying. A crackle rumbled in Zio's chest; echoing as he adjusted his bag on his back, 'Get the Yetis to follow behind. Inka.' Zio's Yeti looked at him. Even cocking its head.

Though as Zio began to tread the water, it seemed the Yeti knew immediately what its master wanted. She dived in the water, almost immediately disappearing into the depths, 'Follow the chain, Fex! Osa said it should lead us right in!'


Raven was just sitting inside the ship trying to compose herself when she heard water splashing. Her heart leapt as she screamed out, "O-Osa! Osa I'm in here!" Her voice cracked as she cried out for him. For her, that's the only one she could see coming into the ship. Even with her call to Zio and Fex, she hadn't expected them to just show up.

As the white furred Yeti walked into the room, all Raven could do was gasp. This was a beast she had never seen before. At least, not one this close, and it was massive. Rideable even. All Raven could do when she saw it though, was scream. All the while she could hear the water splashing around in the main control room.

Zio and Fex were the next to climb in. Following was Tillian and the other Yeti, known as Prune, who the last to come in. Zio looked around, before walking towards the screaming. As he saw Raven in the bed, the two just locked eyes and Raven was in near panic looking at Inka, "Inka." Zio spoke out loud before pointing out of the room, and it obeyed. The Irinaut's heart was racing, his eyes glowing, and Fex's was doing the same.

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