Chapter Forty-Nine: Different

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Luna sat quietly in the main control room; reading over the Irinaut files. It was one thing she had that helped her learn the language. Though being raised around both English and her father's native tongue, speaking it came with ease. Reading it was another story.

"I don't even know why you have me reading this." She leaned back before letting out a soft groan. Luna crossed her arms to her chest, "Can't I read something else?"

Raven was checking over their explosives. She did this often. The woman already didn't like having them in the ship, but they usually ran out as quickly as they got them. They were scarce, and not something she had to deal with to often.

At Luna's comment, Raven simply smiled, "Because your dad wants you to understand your history, and where you came from. It's important for you to know this stuff baby." The woman pointed at the screen, "Why don't you find something about the planet your papa came from? Or the Hollows?"

The blonde haired girl sighed, "I think I've read those ones like a hundred times." She looked over at Raven, "Can I look at the other folders?"

Raven shook her head no, "Oh no. Your father would kill me. He has everything set up for you where you can go. Don't go messing with things. I barely know how any of that works I can't read it at all like you can." Though, the woman knew there were things on there Luna didn't need to see.

Luna sighed before opening up one of the files. It included photos of both male and female Irinaut's, and their structure differences. Though as she really started to look, and see the female's tail, she couldn't help but frown. The girl rubbed her lower back, no tail, "Mom?"

"Yes?" Raven glanced over at Luna and the screen. When she saw what she was looking at, the woman grimaced a bit, already seeming to know what she was going ask.

The girl stood up from the chair, "Do you think I'd have feathers on my tail like they do if I had mine still?" The parents hadn't kept it secret from her. When she had asked why she didn't, they were very honest. Luna looked at the screen, "They're just so beautiful."

Raven gave a saddened smile. Part of her strongly regretted removing her tail. Osa hadn't exactly wanted it but understood why they had to, "I don't think so. Not yet at least. You would have gotten them when you were older."

"Like your age?" Luna climbed up on the table before sitting down. She kicked her legs back and forth, seeming to veer off what she was doing, and finding herself focused on the conversation at hand.

Raven laughed, "Maybe. That's a question for your father. I don't grow feathers like the two of you."

Luna nodded. The girl laid back on the large table before looking at the ceiling, "Do you think Papa will find Irinauts my age? Other kids maybe?" The twelve year old sat up before sighing. Truthfully there was a lack of friends for her. Only adults. She found herself at such a loss sometimes. Truthfully Inka and her parents who were she was closest to. She hated when either of them left.

Raven shook her head, "I don't know, hopefully. It would be nice to have some more kids around, huh?"

Luna smiled, "Yeah, but what if they don't like me?" She sat up, seeming genuinely concerned.

Raven's brows raised. She set down her clipboard before placing her hand on her hip, "Now Luna what makes you think that? As long as you're nice to them I'm sure they would be nice to you."

"But.." The young queen looked down, clearly feeling discouraged.

The mother walked over to her before taking her hands in hers, "Luna what's wrong baby? But what?"

"I don't look like them. I don't look like papa or any Irinaut I've seen." Luna sighed softly, "I don't have Hollows or powers. I can't help at all."

"Luna.." Raven hugged her tightly, "You are so much more than that. You're still young and you're learning so much already. You know your papa always tells you to give it time, and he's been around a long, long time right?"

The preteen rested her head against Raven's shoulder as she listened. Luna simply smiled before nodding her head, "Yeah he always says that.." The two laughed softly.

Raven brushed her fingers through a few strands of Luna's hair, "I'm sure you have tons of friends waiting out there. You just haven't met them yet. That's all."

Luna nodded her head, "You're right. I just haven't met them yet. That's all."

Raven smiled, "That's right. Now, go back to reading."

Luna immediately frowned, "Awe mama can't I just-"

"Little Moon get your butt over there and do your reading. Twenty more minutes and you can do something else."

Luna immediately tensed up as Raven said Little Moon. Both Osa and Raven used the nickname when she was being mischievous or not listening. Almost like a middle name. Though Osa called Luna it quite often. For the father it stuck. The preteen looked at her mother in defeat, "Fine."

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