Chapter Forty-Eight: Departure

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"Why can't I just step outside?!" The girl stood at the line as Osa was preparing his face mask, "Papa I'm old enough to go out! I have Inka, Sage and Jacques have been teaching me how to hold a gun a-and even shoot it! Please I want to go with you guys this time. I-I can help."

The group was preparing to leave the ship. That is,
"Luna, I said no. You're not going. That's final, and you know Zio needs the Yeti to go with him. She can't stay this time. We need all of them them." Osa was adjusting his tanks, "You can stay here with your mother. We can't just leave her alone now, can we? It gets quiet." The purple skinned male crouched down, "You know how important you are, Luna."

"I always stay here." Luna sighed, "What if I could like, help control them or something? I could help now!" The twelve year old girl though arguing with her father, didn't step across the line. She knew better.

"Luna, darling," Osa gently grabbed her cheek, "You're not old enough to be able to do that yet. I told you I would tell you when you can come with us. Now is not the time."

The girl looked up at her father, "How can I protect all of you if I'm here?" Luna's eyes became swelled with tears. Raven wrapped her arms around her back before pulling her close, "C-Can't you stay papa? And Inka?"

Fex was sitting next to the water as he listened to the family argue. He hummed softly before petting over Tillian's armored back. The Irinaut crackled lightly before adjusting the filters on his neck. The Irinaut had noticed how stir crazy Luna was, and he understood the feeling. Though nowadays, no one really told him where he could and couldn't go.

Zio couldn't help but frown at the two's arguing. The child had gotten a bit more stir crazy with age. She hadn't left the ship in all twelve years of her life, and it just felt like she was trapped. Luna was often dying to explore, 'Luna.' He took a knee next to her, 'We will not be long. We may of found others. Like us. Your father may be one of the only one of us who can talk to them, just like he spoke to us. We need Inka to ride. It will be faster, and much more quiet.'

Luna looked at Zio as he spoke to her. The young girl glanced over at Inka before brushing her fingers through Inka's fur before letting out a soft sigh. Her eyes were teary, and she really didn't know what else to say, "Just be careful. All of you.."

Raven wrapped her arms around Luna before pulling her close to her chest. She couldn't say she knew how it felt. Though Raven didn't leave nearly as much. The idea of leaving her completely alone had always been out of the question. She didn't know what to say to Luna, knowing she was already upset about this. As she could do was hug her, and gently kiss the back of her head.

Luna just stood silently before holding on to Raven's arm. She looked down a the ground, "When will you be back?"

Osa walked over to the two of them before giving them a tight hug, "Not long. A few days at max." He lanced at Raven, "The transmission sent coordinates that was not far from here. The only ones who could had sent it was one of us he purred softly before grabbing Luna's cheeks, "We'll be there and back Little Moon." The Irinaut looked at Raven, who held strong as she hugged their daughter, "We'll be back soon. I promise." The Irinaut hugged the two of them tightly, "It won't take long at all, have I broke a promise before?"

Luna clung to Osa as he hugged the two of them in his long arm span, "I love you, Papa. Take care of Inka for me."

"We'll make sure Inka is just fine don't you worry about that." Sage patted the side of the beast, which earned a loud clicking sound, "I'll see if I can find you some more paints and books if we pass up any old shops." Sage pulled her mask on; grunting as she did, "How's that sound?"

Luna smiled sadly, but nodded in agreement, "Sounds good, I guess." The girl looked over the group as she leaned against her father. As she looked up, she saw Osa and Raven giving one another a soft kiss, "Eek! Gross." She wiggled out from between them before shivering, "You could have warned me."

Osa laughed softly before picking Luna up and giving her a kiss on the cheek, "Be good for your mom." He set her down, "I love you both."

Raven had ended up hugging each of the group. Aside from Fex, who didn't lay a hand on her or allow anyone to touch him. It wasn't abnormal for him to even pull away or shove. She had just learned to wish him luck. Though with Osa, she found herself clinging to him, forcing him to be the last one out. The woman let out a soft sigh, "I love you, come back in one piece alright?"

Osa laughed softly before kissing her forehead, "I plan on it."

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