Chapter Twenty-Six: Sweet Taste

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When Raven said yes, the two of them just stared into one another's eyes. The woman's cheeks were a crimson red. She hadn't expected him to follow her into the room, or even into the bed. She clung to the towel that wrapped around her frame before bringing one hand up to hold Osa's cheek. Her fingers trailed down his neck before she touched his feathers.

Osa just observed her as he kept himself braced above her with his forearms. The male pressed his cheek into her palm, a murr rumbled in his chest. He felt so much bigger then Raven, and that primal urge to take her was growing. The Irinaut leaned down and kissed her, all the while keeping his weight off her.

Raven returned the kiss, her lips passionately caressed against the Irinaut's own. Osa would occasionally chirp or purr, causing vibrations to rumble in his chest and vibrant her lips. It sent a shiver down her spine, "O-Osa.." She broke the kiss to catch her breath.

The large male didn't stop. He leaned down and began to kiss her neck. Osa's mouth expanded before his blackened tongue came out and glided down her neck before rubbing his cheek under against her chest. The purple skinned male removed her towel from her frame; his eyes scanned over her, "You're certain you want this?" He cocked his head to the side, his breathing was soft and slow, he seemed nervous himself. She was so much smaller than him, "When I start I, I don't know if I'll be able to stop." Osa hummed softly.

"H-Hah.." Her body was beyond sensitive, and Osa's affections sent chills down her spine. Raven listened. Her heart was pounding in her chest as he spoke. His voice was always so calm and relaxed. The husky tone and the chirps that came from him oddly made enough only added to her own excitement. Her eyes widened a bit as he pulled the towel from her body. Raven looked up at Osa as he seemed to ask again, and she found herself giving a soft nod, "Osa, I'm certain. I can't say I'm not nervous, I've never, you know." Her face blazed. Osa was to Raven's knowledge centuries old, and that stuck with her, "Have you?"

Osa sat up; his hands glided down her sides as she spoke. His feathers ruffled around his neck as she mentioned never locking with anyone. When she asked him, it nearly caught him off guard. The Irinaut's face blazed, but he seemed embarrassed, "No, I haven't." He leaned down and kissed her stomach, his long reptilian like tongue glided down between her legs. Osa grabbed her thighs before pulling her legs apart. The Irinaut laid between her legs as he continued to kiss her lower stomach, "But I'll make this as comfortable as I can for the both of us, love."

The Irinaut leaned between her legs before kissing her slit. A husky murr escaped his chest as he licked her flower. His feathers raised as he gripped her thighs; his tongue gliding up and down before he inserted the length of his tongue inside her. All the while those deep vibrations coming from his chest.

Raven watching him inching down, her legs wiggled a bit as she attempted to adjust, only to have Osa take hold of the back of her thighs and brace them upwards, easily wrapping nearly his entire hand around each leg. As she felt his tongue glide against her slit she jumped, but at the fluent motions and the woman found herself moaning out rather loudly. The insertion of his slick tongue only causing her back to arch and her legs to attempt to close but to no avail, "A-ah.." The woman panted softly, finding herself bringing her hands down to hold Osa's head. Her legs quivered, her body was already on fire, but the male didn't let up.

Osa lifted his head to look at Raven for a moment. Truthfully he wanted to explore her before he did anything, and that's exactly what he was doing. "You taste so sweet." He purred deeply, his feathers dancing in that gold hue before he went back down between her legs. His long tongue flicked against her, the Irinaut curiously tasting her fluids.

Raven's legs quivered. She had never felt anything like this before. Her toes curled, her breathing quickened, and the warmth between her legs was only building as Osa explored her lower extremities with his tongue. The woman was beyond sensitive, and it was almost as if the Irinaut just knew every spot to hit, "O-oh fuck!" She suddenly felt sweet release, nearly squeezing on to Osa's Hollows, but the Irinaut reacted quickly. The male grabbed both her wrists in his hands before bracing them again the bed as Raven finished.

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