Chapter Twenty-Two: Caught

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"You see that?"

"Yeah I see it." Jacques had a set of binoculars facing towards a blown gate. He set them down before looking at the clock, "We got like, what an hour before nightfall?" The male shook his head, "I don't know, it could be old news. Leech head may of already came through-"

Just as Jacques was about to finish his sentence, a sudden pulse of purple light could be seen. The man sat up in his seat before unhooking his seatbelt, "Now that was something. Grab your gear, and be ready."

Sage was already out of the truck and checking her tranquilizer darts, "There's no way an infected is doing that. It has to be the Irinaut."

William seemed eager, already starting to walk towards the gate before Jacques grabbed him, "Jacques let go. Raven could be in there."

Jacques shook his head, "Yeah, and an Irinaut that can control your body. We're walking in together just hold on a second."

William groaned. They didn't really have a second. The sun was going to be down soon, and they didn't have much time to set up in general, "What about the truck? We need that set up for the night don't we? Come on."

Sage shook her head before approaching the both of them, "We're already going could you chill out for five minutes? Jeeze." The woman looked at the truck, "Easy, we'll set up here. Not like we're in the middle of the road or anything. We're halfway in an alley. All we'll have to do is set up the blocks and the windows and that takes like ten minutes. I'm confident we can do that before any bullshit shows up."

"Can we go already?" William groaned, "If I was right you both owe me those MRI packs."

Jacques laughed, "Yeah if we make me back to the sphere in one piece with it, I'll give you two, William." The male adjusted his gun before starting to walk towards the ship yard, "Let's just get this checked out. The sooner we find this thing the sooner we can go home."


"Hold it still."

"Osa I am holding it still you're the one shaking." Raven groaned. This had been much more tedious than she had expected, but not Osa.

"I am not, you keep leaning it to the side." He hissed as he finished pouring out the remaining liquid. They had miraculously ended up with four and a half. Osa was rather pleased with the finding, and really was protecting every bit of it. All had been worked for. The two had only managed to find the single full one, and one that was half full. Most all were near empty.

"There." He put the lid on it; gently placing the vial in the casing with the others, "I can't believe I never came here before this."

"Will you be able to contact them again? Even move your ship?" Raven brought herself to her feet before stretching, "Man I don't even know what we're going to do about tonight. We might need to make do with one of these ships for the night at least. I still don't know why you just don't take one of these." She shrugged, "It beats diving in the water."

Osa laughed a bit, seeming more light hearted since their findings, "I'd like to think so. I may be able to contact others without the rush." The Irinaut placed the vials in his backpack, "Tonight?" He hummed, "Perhaps we find one that isn't mostly debris. That first one went through wasn't in terrible condition. I may be able to get into the chamber even."

He did grunt at the mention of another ship, "The ship I have is much more important than any of these. It holds much more then I've have let you seen." Osa laughed a bit. The male hummed, "Come on. We should go to the other ship."

Raven nodded, "I don't know about you but I'm starving. I'm going to eat those candy bars until I can't look at them anymore." She laughed, but the Irinaut gave her that same concerned look.

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