Chapter Thirty-Six: Late

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Raven just, stared at the hole. Two weeks had passed, and there was no sign of Osa. No sounds came from their opening in the water, and no one had made contact with her.

Two weeks alone was driving her mad, but what worried her more, was that Osa wasn't home. She walked over to the oxygen tanks. Osa had marked them, even putting the time when he would be home on a mark. It was several hours past that now, and the woman found herself lost.

Raven's eyes swelled with tears. Pure panic had really started to set in, and all she could do was walk back and forth as she gently rubbed her stomach. The woman sat down in her mate's chair before shutting her eyes tightly, "Osa I swear you better come home. Where are you?" The woman clung to his shirt. She had never felt more trapped than she did now.

The woman took a deep breath. Really, just trying to do everything she could to stay calm and gather herself. She had been sick, her body was often burning up and she couldn't find relief. Raven sniffled before looking at her stomach and gently rubbing it, "How about some toast, huh?"


Raven stood in front of Osa's armored suit, just, staring as she nibbled on her toast. He didn't talk about it often, but at times he acted almost ashamed of it. The woman sighed softly as she just stared off into space at the suit, but when she felt her legs getting wet, then her toes. The woman looked down, only to see a puddle forming below her, trickles of gold glow spiraled inside it. The woman dropped her food on the floor, "N-no no no." Raven held her stomach, her eyes widened, "N-no I can't do this, n-not now." She cried out, wincing as she felt a sharp pain, "S-Sweetheart this is too soon..!"

Raven took deep breaths as she stood in place just thinking. She hadn't felt well the past few days, and had been experiencing pain, but not like this. It was nearly instant as her water broke. All she could do was cry and blame herself for stressing out to much about Osa not being back yet, "I-It's going to be fine. H-He's just running behind a bit." She did not have a good feeling in her stomach though. Something felt wrong.

The woman had made herself a place to sit in front of the water hole, waiting for Osa to just, appear. She breathed heavily, crying out as she rubbed her stomach. Raven was in pure panic, and all she could do was just, hope she could hold out. The dark haired woman didn't know what else to do, "O-Osa!" She screamed, "Osa please come home! A-Ahh..!" Raven looked around frantically. Even now, she really didn't know what to do. All she could do was breathe, and do her best to control the pain of the contractions.

Raven looked towards the main control, really just thinking over what she should do. The woman brought herself to her feet and held her stomach; taking deep breaths with each step. Once she made it to the computer, she frantically looking at the buttons. The woman clicked a button before a screen suddenly appeared and she was on the front. She didn't recognize the words or letters, everything just seemed like gibberish.

"Is it working?" The woman looked around before shaking her head, "M-My name is Raven. I'm here in Osa's ship I..a-ahh..!" She leaned over the controls as she held between her legs, taking a deep breath, "O-Osa went out for oxygen, but h-he hasn't come back, h-he should be back." Raven swallowed, obviously looking pale. The woman lifted her hands to the counter, and blood was visible on her hands. Raven looked at her hands in fear, "L-Listen I don't know if you can understand me, but I am pregnant, a-and I'm in labor." She shut her eyes, doing her best to compose herself. Raven backed up, even turning to the side to show them what was going on. That golden glow just as visible in the camera. She went back up to the screen, "S-She's a queen, I-I need help I can't swim. I-I won't make it to the surface myself let alone with her. Please I need help!"

Raven sent the message, and all she could do was hope. Osa had said they didn't speak English, and Raven knew that. Often when she listened to Osa recording a message or listening to one, she truthfully didn't understand a word they were saying, "Please get this, p-please." She just laid her head down on the control panels, and began to sob. She felt sick, she was in pain, and all she could do was worry about running out of air, of the baby suffocating just after being a few days old.

Osa, where are you!?

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