Chapter Thirty-Nine: Trapped?

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"It's waking up." Bruno stayed crouched next to the Irinaut, the gun pointed at him, "You all sure about this?"

"It's been drugged for over four days now. It's going to die without water." Sage, had oddly been careful with the Irinaut. After seeing how distressed Osa was to get back to 'them' she couldn't help but wonder what was going on that she didn't know about. That none of them did, "It knows what bombs are right? And what we have. It clearly doesn't want to die..'

Bruno shook his head, "You're really going to risk wakin' that thing up to give it some water?"

Jacques shook his head, "Sage I really don't like the idea of this. When we get back to the Sphere they'll be able to get it fluids."

Sage nodded, "I'll just, drug the water. We'll make sure to give him a canteen and fill it up. We just need to make sure it's getting fluids. Not only that we don't know how it breathes with that thing we could be killing it. How bad do you all want that ticket?"

Bruno laughed, "I already have one. When you specialize in weapons like this, it's pretty easy to get a one way ticket."

Sage rolled her eyes at his comment before walking over to their trailer. It was night, but they were enclosed in one of the larger pods designed for more people. Osa had been placed in a cell, still banded with the bombs. The woman filled several canteens with water and just, stared.

She put the drugs in not one, but three canteens. Sage quietly worked with them before going back out with them, 'I have to know what's happened.' She thought to herself, 'What if we could save Raven?'

Sage held the canteens in hand before handing one to Bruno and Jacques being completely casual. The woman approached the cage, where Osa was sitting inside holding his head, "H-Hey."

Osa lifted his head and just looked at Sage with defeat. The Irinaut cocked his head to the side as she reached the water through the bars. His ears were still ringing, and everything just seemed, blurred, "What..what's going on?"

"I brought you water. L-Listen, I know you can understand me. You can either die of dehydration or drink this. You have bombs attached to your body, don't fight." The woman reached it towards him, her hand shaking lightly, but she felt as if she could trust him.

Osa pulled himself up. His legs shook. His side was scraped up, his shoulder terribly skinned and bruised, "How do I know I can trust that?" The male just stared at the water canteen. His mind was still a bit fogged, and he couldn't put enough together to be at his full power. That rifle had hurt him. Or at least, he had hurt himself.

Sage was silent for a moment before speaking softly, "You're just going to have to trust me."

Osa listened. He could hear whispers coming from the woman, but he was struggling to make out what she was thinking. The male reached out and took the water. He removed his mask before chugging the water. The male breathed heavily as he did so. Even now he was beyond exhausted, and didn't know how he was going to get out of this.

William approached Sage and Osa. The male looked into the cell as Osa drank the water, "Do you think it's going to fight?"

"No, I don't. I think it's hurt pretty badly." She tilted her head as she watched him. All the while Osa drank the water and just held his head in pain. Sage held up a canteen to William, "You want some? I filled them all up for everyone."

William looked at the canteen before shaking his head no, "I'm fine, thanks." Though Sage handed it to him anyway, the man didn't seem interested in drinking it at this point. Instead he took a seat next to the cage, and waited, "I'll take first guard, you all should get some rest."

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