Chapter Fifty-Two: Lost

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As the group climbed out of the hole, all Sage could do was sob. Zio and Fex worked quickly to cover the hole, and Osa could only stand there with the gun he had shot Jacques with in his hand.

"You son of a bitch you killed him!" Sage shoved Osa's in the back, punching him as she took it out on him, "You led us into a fucking trap!"

"Stop..stop!" Osa held his hand up, immediately freezing Sage in place. The male leaned down towards her, "If you think for a second I wanted him to get killed, I didn't, and it wasn't a trap." The male rubbed his face, "She found them, and they were trying to contact us. She's wiping us out." Osa hissed out, "Stop taking it out on me. Jacques wouldn't want that. He wouldn't want any of us up here fighting he'd want us to survive."

Fex sneered his lip, 'We should not have went down there.' The male paced back and forth. It wasn't long before the Yetis began coming out of their hiding spots. He looked towards Osa, 'I knew you were hiding something. I fucking knew it. It's no wonder his files are locked!'

Zio glanced at Fex, 'Fex, enough.'

Fex barked out at Zio, 'No, it's not enough. You're one of Queen Yok's sons. You don't think we didn't hear that?' The male paced back and forth, 'It was you wasn't it?' Fex's entire body had that red glow. He was obviously upset. The death of Jacques didn't help. Even if he didn't show it well, the group had gotten close over the years, 'You should have slit her fucking throat when you had the chance.'

"Enough!" Osa looked at Fex and Sage, "Do you think I asked for this Fex? For this infection to spread and kill the people it has? For world's life to go completely extinct because of Yok?"

Sage had finally been released from Osa's grasp. The woman fell to her knees, not seeming to have any fight left in her. She didn't even had it in her to stop the twos arguing.

'You could had stopped it a long time ago! We would had never had to came to this fucking planet!' Fex rubbed his face mask as he paced, 'Now what, Royal Osa?' Fex mimicked Zio, who seemed to stop warning Fex at this point. It was clear Fex was hurt. They all were.

'Fex you and I both know you do not have the full story.' Osa closed his eyes. It took everything to just stay composed with Fex. The Irinaut had a temper like no other, and his spurts often got him and Zio into fights. While Osa was good about staying calm. For the most part. The male looked at the Yetis, "We need to get back to the ship, and go from there."

"Those things know we're here." Sage wiped her face mask, wanting all the more to wipe the tears from her face. The woman seemed to be calming down, "If we go that way, I think we should at least take a longer route." She sniffled, "It's what Jacques would have done. By chance they do see us, maybe they'll go that direction."

Zio listened, seeming to agree with this himself. He nodded before climbing on Inka and reaching his hand down to Sage, who didn't hesitate to follow at this point.

Osa nodded. The male seemed to just be lost in his own mind at this point. It had been so long since he had heard Yok. The male climbed on Prune before looking at the group, who didn't seem interested in saying much more at this point. Fex was already ahead on Tillian, and didn't seem to have interests on waiting on the group.

Zio sighed before commanding Inka to follow. Osa wasn't far behind, taking one last look at Jacques tomb, before following the group.


The group sat quietly in a pod; feeling it was best to let Yok calm down for the night before traveling again. Sage had ended up falling asleep holding Jacques jacket. It was all she had left.

Zio, Fex, and Osa stood in another room, the lights off, and only the glows of their eyes visible. All three were just, quiet. Osa's eyes were on Sage as she slept. A heavy guilt was building in his chest, 'We should had never went down there.' He whined softly before wiping his palm over his face, 'I got him killed.'

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