Chapter Twenty-One: Luck

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The two had fallen asleep not long after their conversation regarding Raven and Osa's thoughts about one another.

Raven hadn't woke yet, and Osa was just starting to himself. The Irinaut brought his hand up to rub his face; letting out a low groan before he opened his eyes. His other arm, and his body had weight on it. It was Raven.

The woman had rolled around in her sleep, tossing and turning. It was cold, and it seemed she had found herself under the blanket resting against Osa's side. He hummed before bringing his hand down and gently resting it on her head. He knew she was tired, and he didn't want to wake her. It was just starting to lighten up out, and he assumed he had woke up a bit earlier than expected.

Osa stroked her hair as he thought to himself. Truthfully, one thing he couldn't get a clear answer on, was what she was going to do after they got the fuel. She hadn't put any thought into it, clearly. Osa had full intentions to help the woman get back home, but he was beginning to hope she would just, stay with him. It was wishful thinking, but he didn't know what she would do, truthfully.

"Raven, come on." He finally spoke up, his hand coming off her head and resting back on the pillow. The male chirped, "It's time to get out of here."

She whined out, not even attempting to come out from the covers, a loud yawn coming from her. It was obvious she was half asleep. Raven stretched out, her arm wrapping a bit tighter around his waist, "It's cold, just get ready I'll be up.."

Osa purred, his feathers ruffled at the squeeze, "Mmm, well, if you let go of me, I will get up and do so."

"What?" Raven finally opened her eye, realizing what she was hugging, "Oh shit." She sat up quickly, her hair in a mess and over her face, "I'm so sorry I-" Raven was fumbling over her words as she attempted to unravel herself from the blanket, only to fail, and roll into the floor with a loud thump.

Osa crackled, his feathers rattled as he leaned over the bed to look at her, "Raven, are you alright?" His eyes were widen, his head cocked to the side, "I had clothes on." He looked at his shirt, his pants, seeming confused.

"I'm alright. You could have pushed me off or something, anything. I didn't even know I was on you, Osa." Raven seemed to be attempting to justify this. All the while Osa just seemed confused.

He huffed before standing up himself, "You act as if it were an issue for either of us. You were cold, so was I. I quite enjoyed waking up with you next to me."

"Okay okay, just get ready. Jeeze." Raven yawned before standing up. The woman still had the blanket wrapped around herself. She didn't say a word, but she hadn't slept that well in ages. Osa brought her quite some relief just being there. Even if she didn't admit it to him, she enjoyed sleeping with him next to her.

Osa chuckled, a grin ran across his lips, but he didn't say anything. Simply doing the same and preparing to finish making their way to the ship yard, "I am ready." He pointed at the door, "Let's go."


"You really think it's gathering supplies for something, William?" Jacques looked back at William, who had several screens pulled up around him.

"I'm telling you, it's been getting more than just oxygen we just didn't notice. I pulled up the files from the last two years. Places have been raided for televisions, batteries, weapons, tools, food. All with that same blown up wall." William had dots on a screen, all making a circle around a large body of water, "It stays in this area. If we go around here we might be able to track it down."

Sage rolled her head, "You really think it's going to still be looking for stuff around here? If anything it's cleaned out."

William scoffed, "I do think it's still here. It's obviously working on something. Any team would have found its stash by now, but it's gotta be underground or something." He rubbed the back of his head, "I mapped a few areas we could see it. Including a ship yard with a ton of their technology. We might even check there."

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