Chapter Nineteen: Jump

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"You gotta be kidding." Raven looked up the six story high building. The woman glanced around the corner, realizing there really was no way around this, "And then what?"

Osa suddenly began to push her up the building, "We'll figure it out then just get moving, now!" He spoke firmly, suddenly beginning to climb himself.

Raven moved up the building quickly; grabbing the window bars and using them to get herself up. Osa stayed right next to her as they climbed. As she came up about half way up she found herself looking into the window each time she hit a new window.

Though as she came to the fifth window, she grunted, "Almost there.." Though as she looked through the window, her eyes locked with an infected human. The two of them froze and stared at one another, but as its mouth opened and it began to scream, Raven gasped out, "N-No Osa-"

The glass shattered and hands came through the bars. Raven screamed out, punching at the infected as its spores exploded in the sun, causing a red mist around the two of them. All the while, trying to bite Raven as she attempting to climb over it, "Osa!"

Osa saw her struggling as he had made it to the sixth window, and as it let out that call, he hissed something in his own language. The Irinaut reached down, "Give me your hand, Raven!" He heard the other infected Irinaut screech, pushing through the building.

Raven managed to get her foot propped before kicking the infected in the face. As Osa reached for her, she jumped; grabbing his hand. The woman gasped as she dangled, "Don't let go, oh shit." Raven glanced down, then back at Osa. The woman grunted as she grabbed the bar, but her feet were hanging.

Osa growled as he pulled her up by her satchel, "I'm not going to drop you, now pull yourself up, hurry!" The male jumped himself as he watched the infected Irinaut's had slam out the window and reach for them where Raven had just been. It tore at the bars as it wedged its head between them and screamed up at Raven and Osa.

Raven's heart was throbbing. The woman braced her feet and began to climb. Osa had his eyes locked on the creature before it disappeared back into the building, other infected humans began shoving their hands through the bars, "Holy shit it's coming up here." The woman managed to brace herself on the top of the bars.

Osa looked at the infected and then back at Raven. He grabbed her legs, "Jump!" He threw her upwards suddenly, as he did the infected lunged through the bars at Osa. The male roared out, a crackling sound bellowing in his throat.

"Osa, w-wait!" Raven screamed as he shoved her upwards with force. The woman barely managed to grab the ledge, dangling as Osa fought against the infected Irinaut. The woman swung herself; managing to take hold of the ledge with her other hand.

Osa whined out, struggling as he took hold of the Irinaut's arm. It made a loud screeching noise, seeming almost unbearable for Osa. He suddenly twisted its arm backwards and wedged it through the window cage. He looked up at Raven before jumping upwards himself; easily getting up compared to the woman. The male panted, hurried grabbing Raven's hands and pulling her up, "I've got you, I've got you!"

Raven was frantic as she kicked herself up the side. Once up, she fell to the ground, immediately wiping the red spores off her mask and her body. The infected still screaming below. The woman stumbled as Osa pulled her to her feet, already dragging her to the other side, "Osa, stop! You're going to put is in the shade!"

Osa's head jerked. His fists tightened and his eyes brightened. The male breathed heavily as he held her arm. The Irinaut looked down then forward, "Raven we can't stay here. The sun will go down and he is going to bring more in. You should consider yourself lucky there is only one." He looked across at the other building, "We have to jump." He began to walk backwards.

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