Chapter Fourty-Six: Family

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Luna sat contently at a table eating soup Raven had made. She seemed content as she watched that same movie her father did, 'The Last Unicorn' quite often. Raven had used it to get her to sleep, and it never failed.

Raven was cleaning up while everyone ate, "I made enough for everyone when they get back. It really shouldn't be to much longer should it?"

Osa was working on something in the wall, "No. As long as Fex didn't detour them, again. We should be fine." He sneered his lip lightly, a soft glow coming from his eyes.

"Osa.." Raven set the plates down, "He was trying to help find other survivors. He thought-"

"Thought he heard others. I know, but he can't be going off what he hears and he knows that. Yok is constantly watching. She knows that there are Irinaut's that have not fallen to the infection. If she gets ahold of any of them..she'll know where we are, where she is.." Osa shook his head, "I understand he wants to find other's, but the most we can do safely is send out signals."

"All I'm saying is I feel like you were younger at one point yourself, and had your own wild ambitions. You shouldn't be so hard on him." Raven leaned back against the control panel.

"I'm hard on him because I know how great he could be if he wasn't so ill tempered." Osa rubbed over his face, "It's that feral blood." He grumbled, "It's hard to come out of that."

"You've never exactly explained that term. Feral blood?" Raven tilted her head to the side, "What's that even mean?"

Osa laughed, his head thudded against the panel, "Raven, darling. You're as bad as the child." The male began reconnecting old wires after removing burned ones, "Irinaut's have a very long life span. At some point, Fex must had been alone for a long time." The male set his tools down, seeming to listen to what he was saying himself, "He went wild and lost his mind. When, I don't know." The male looked down at his tools as he thought for a moment, going over what he was saying.

The woman tilted her head, "That must had been hard." Raven pulled her knees up to her chest as she watched Luna eating, "I'm sure we all know what it's like to be alone." She reached her hand over to hold Osa's cheek, "Maybe he's just trying to make sure no one else felt the way he did."

Osa's feathers ruffled. The male looked over at Raven before giving a warm smile. He brought his hand up before gently holding the hand that rested on his cheek, "I understand, my love." The Irinaut knew she wanted him to relax, but the older his daughter got, the more worried he became.


"Zio! Fex!" Luna clapped her hands lightly as the two of them climbed inside after Fex's Yeti's. The young girl kept her distance, standing behind a line that she knew was strictly for her. She wasn't to cross it, she wasn't to go near the opening, "You guys took forever!"

'Stay, my Queen.' Zio was removing his gear. As he pulled off his mask, he took a deep breath, 'Where is your Papa?' The male hummed loudly as Luna pranced around. One thing he and Fex both had been working on was their English. Zio was taking quite the strides, but Fex seemed to struggle with it. He kept things simple, and almost never spoke to anyone in the ship aside from Zio and Osa. Though he protected Luna, he didn't share the bond her and the royal knight did.

Luna laughed softly, "I won't. I know better!" The blonde haired girl tilted her head to the side, "Papa is working on stuff, and Mama is cleaning up dinner. Are you hungry?"

Fex let a growl rumble in his chest. One thing that annoyed him, was his inability to understand. He tried to learn, but it was definitely something he struggled with. The male barked at Luna, 'Speak some Irinaut, Little Queen.' Fex tapped his ear. One thing was for certain, Fex inadvertently helped with Luna's skills in their language. Often forcing her to speak to him in their native tongue if she got too excited, 'Go to your parents. Let them know we're all here.'

The young girl had jumped a bit when Fex barked down at her. She brought her hands to her chest as they balled up. Luna listened to Fex before frowning. She stuck her tongue out at the blue skinned male before running off to Raven and Osa in the main control room. A solid white tail could be seen swooping behind, Inka clearly right behind her.

Fex's eyes widened as she stuck her tongue out at him, and the Irinaut could only grin and return it back. The male rolled his eyes as Zio gave him a glare, 'What?'

'It would not take much for you to just listen to her like she does you.' Zio laughed a bit, 'Believe it or not, listening to those little rambles of hers helps. I know she listens to you.' The Irinaut washed his face off, 'Besides, would it not be nice to talk to someone aside from me?'

Fex groaned, 'Zio, I don't need a lecture right now buddy. Not only that, you really think it would be as easy as talking? It took Osa the universe knows how long, and that was from watching those screens.' His ruby red eyes glowed brightly as he glanced down at the water, just to see Jacques and Sage coming up with the rest of the bags of supplies. The dark blue Irinaut chirped. 'Took you two long enough.'

Zio helped grab the bags. It wasn't long before Raven and Osa came to help. Osa was immediately drawn to them, but they all looked disappointed, "You did not find it I'm assuming?" The male spoke in a soft tone, seeming frustrated with this news, "It's fine. We'll find it. Just like the other pieces."

Jacques took a deep breath as he removed his mask, "Yeah, and it's going to be more of a pain in the ass every time. They've got security amped up in every damn ship yard they have." He threw his mask and groaned, clearly seeming upset, "How are we supposed to fix this thing if we can't get to the parts, Osa?"

Osa frowned. The male shook his head, "We'll figure it out. For now, everyone clean up and go rest." Osa looked at Fex and Zio, seeming to give them the same message to make sure it was clear. The three humming and chirping between one another.

Raven clasped her hands together, "I have soup I made earlier. It's still hot and I can get the plates." The woman looked at the four of them. Truly she didn't know what they would do without them. After all these years, the group had become like family. Raven didn't go out of the ship like she used to, having Luna to worry about now. Leaving her alone had never been a thought in her mind.

Luna bolted back through the door way, holding up a card board sword and pointing it towards Inka, "Back away monster! Ahh!" She jumped in the air before running down the hall with the toy sword.

Inka walked through the doorway before looking up at the group with a very bored stare before sneezing. All the while Luna was running down the hall. Inka turned and began to trot after her casually, while Luna treated this as the fastest chase of her life.

The group couldn't help but make soft laughs at the girls sudden explosive of energy back into the room. Though, Fex only gave a soft smile. He was a brick wall for the most part, but the young Queen's wild imagination often earned a grin, 'Silly little thing.' Fex shook his head before looking towards Osa, 'We did find one thing you asked for.' He reached in his bag before tossing it at him.

Osa caught the bag before giving Fex a glare, felt the bag before laughing himself. He pulled it open, only to see a few children items. Toys, crayons, old books. The male glanced at Fex before tilting his head, 'You said it was a waste of time, and I agreed. As did the others.'

Fex pulled on a solid black long sleeve shirt before wiping his face. The male didn't wear anything but black typically. He hummed softly, 'She only had a green crayon left last I checked.' The male shrugged before walking off towards his room, 'Besides, it was on the side of the road.'

'Well, thank you.' He purred, but as he was thanking the male, Fex wasn't wasting time going to his own room, 'Are you not going to eat?'

Fex threw his hand up, 'I will later, and it wasn't any trouble.'

Osa set the bag down before yelling out, 'Fex?!'

"Hmm?" He chirped, 'Yes Osa?'

'You know you can't lie to me, yes?' Osa cocked his head to the side, 'Thank you again for these.'

Fex oddly, just gave a thumbs up, before walking off into his room and closing the door. Really, wanting nothing more than to rest.

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