Chapter Fifty-Nine: The Old Group

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Fex sat quietly in his room, his fingers tapping over a dictionary. Several books were spread around him. All in English. The male sighed softly before wiping his palm over his face with a low hiss, 'Bullshit.' He fell into the book with a soft thud, 'Why am I even doing this?'

'The young queen ordered for you to do so, and if you had been doing it prior like I have been telling you, perhaps you wouldn't be in such a predicament.' Zio had went through some of his books in attempts to help Fex find something to help, 'She has taken the time to learn our language to appease you more than anyone.' Zio tossed his hands up, 'You are the only one in here who will not take the time to learn.'

Fex rolled his eyes, 'Learning for what? When we get to home world, do you really believe they will just learn another language for her?' He laughed out, 'Seems like a waste of time.'

Zio approached him before setting a 'English for Dummies' book in front of the other Irinaut, 'Fex, if it seems like a waste of time, why not attempt to learn with someone? I could teach you.' He hummed softly, his chartreuse eyes glimmered, 'It would be no trouble!'

The dark blue male began to laugh loudly, a cackle coming from him, 'Yeah, no thanks. I would rather deal with Osa's teachings before you.'

'Hmm?' Zio tilted his head comically to the side, clearly confused himself, 'I am a very good teacher. I do not see the trouble in that.'

'Teaching what?' A deep murr came from the hallway. Osa peeked his head in at the two Irinaut's before walking in slowly. The male made soft clicking noises before he picked up the book in front of Fex. The male's golden eyes glowed softly, 'A stubborn queen my daughter is.' He smiled softly, 'It will be good for you, Fex. Perhaps even have her teach you.' Osa knew Luna was lonely. She wandered the ship often to find out what the others were up to. It wasn't unusual to see her several times as she wandered the inside.

Fex jumped at the sound of Osa's voice, 'Does everyone just want to come in my room then?' He groaned, 'Yes, she is much more than that.' The male snatched the book back before tossing it on the table. It seemed to embarrass him that he struggled with it so much. At the mention of Luna teaching him, his brows raised. The male gave a devilish grin before picking up the book, 'You know what, you are right, Osa.'

Osa's feather's raised, his eyes sparked. It wasn't often he heard Fex say he was right. The male murred softly as he was quiet for a moment before grinning himself, 'I do not believe that will work, Fex.'

Zio glanced between the two of them, 'What will not work?'

Fex hissed out before picking up the book, 'Neither do I, but if she is forced to teach me, she will have to give up and take away the order.' The male seemed set with his plan, 'What makes you think it will not?'

Osa just stared at Fex for a moment before crossing his arms, 'Luna is very bright.' The male's jaw cracked, 'She is hard headed like her mother, and if she was able to learn our language and her mother's, I am certain she will have no trouble teaching you, Fex.'

His red eyes gave off a soft glow. Fex stopped for a moment, 'I would love if you could stay out of my head. Must you do that?' The male groaned, 'She is a child. She will grow bored. I am certain.'

Osa just laughed out, 'It's easier said than done.' The purple skinned Irinaut brought his hands down to his sides, 'That child is still your queen, Fex. I am certain she will do what it takes to help you, and it would be in your best interest to listen. She is getting older, and picking up on things.' He hummed softly, even shrugging, 'She has been for some time now. You both should see that.'

Fex clinched the book tightly in his hand, 'I know what she is, and I know my place, Osa. Do not fret.' He sneered his lip before looking down at his book, 'What are you doing here anyway? You never come down this hallway.' The male hissed out before leaning back into his desk.

Osa's feathers ruffled. His eyes slit for a moment as he thought, 'I have decided that I will be taking that trip to the coast.'

The dark blue Irinaut's eyes became slit, 'Please tell me you are joking.' The male cocked his head to the side, 'Osa I am telling you the truth.'

'And I never said I did not believe you, Fex, but it is the only way we have not gone, and we have been in contact for months now. No different than when I spoke with you or Zio for the first time. They have agreed to meet us half way for conversation on neutral ground. It's the best chance we have at a working ship or more parts.'

Zio made a soft clicking noise, 'How do you know he has changed, Osa? For certain?'

Osa shook his head, 'I do not. Not without meeting him in the flesh, but I need one of you to come with me.'

Zio and Fex gave one another a stare before turning back to Osa. Thinking anything around him felt unnerving. At times he subconsciously got in. Osa was an elite alpha on their planet. A great warrior before the outbreak took their homes.

'Why not both?' Fex crossed his arms, 'You would be better with more numbers.' The male swallowed, a growl trying to escape his throat, 'This ship is never going anywhere, Osa. It gains more damage with each passing day, and we find less and less equipment.'

'Zio is going with me, Fex.' Osa glanced over at Fex, a low hum came from him, 'I need you here, protecting Luna and my mate.' The golden eyed male's feathers raised, a pulse ran through him, 'If we were to get infected, they would stand no chance alone, Fex.' The comment regarding the ship seemed to get to Osa, and the Irinaut could only smile calmly, 'If you can find me another ship, Fex, in working order, and where I could repair it in peace, by all means, let me know, but until then we must work with what we have.'

Fex scoffed, 'What if Zio and I go? Then you can protect them.' The dark blue Irinaut never wanted to be stuck within the ship. He took every chance he got. He hated working on the ship, and often expressed he felt like it was a waste of time.

Zio found himself quickly glancing off from the two of them and began to look over his things, 'When do we leave, Osa?' The male clicked as he ignored Fex's question.

Osa stared at Fex, his eyes dimmed, 'You have the Feral Blood, Fex. I do not need that temper in my way. Zio knows how to stay calm and I need that. There are things you do not need to see, and things that only I can see. You know this, Fex.' Even if Osa didn't express it, he did care for both Zio and Fex, but Alpha male Irinaut's were often stand offish with one another. It wasn't unusual for aggressions to take over, and arguments to quickly become a brawl. Without the queen there to control the hive, the way things should had been were just, lost.

'And you do not have a temper, Osa?' Fex growled lowly, but quickly caught himself. He raised his hands, 'I can handle myself just fine. If anything, you-'

'Fex.' Osa didn't say much more, and the midnight blue Irinaut just fell silent. It had taken that last argument years ago, but it was clear Fex knew his place when it came to Osa. As much as Osa wanted to get angry and snap back, he didn't, 'Use that fight you have inside you to watch my family here. Take the time to learn the English tongue, yes?'  Osa glanced at Zio, 'I 'm going to go speak with Luna and Raven. We'll be leaving tomorrow morning. That should be plenty of time to prepare your things.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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