Chapter Thirty-One: Undress Yourself.

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Raven's eyes widened. She brought her hand up before pushing it against Osa's face, "Don't start. I never thought you could be such a perve." The woman hadn't really felt well earlier, "Are you not worried you'll hurt her?" The woman rubbed her palms over her stomach. She knew it wasn't a thing with humans, but Osa was so large it was an obvious worry, "Do you not think you would hurt her?"

The Irinaut had made his way down to her stomach. His hand rubbed over her glowing stomach before he gently kissed just below her belly button, "My love, if I was worried I wouldn't do it." His feathers raised, dancing in that golden glow, "For now, I'm certain we're fine." The male suddenly began to pull on her shorts as he continued to press his lips against her lower stomach. Osa's own fingers soon intertwined with her own.

Raven moaned softly, her back arched lightly as she felt his lips against her stomach. She couldn't help it if it went chills down her spine. It wasn't only that for her, but she really hadn't felt great lately unknowingly because of the little one, "You're always so gentle.." She couldn't help but wonder how rough he really could be. Even when he was lost in the passion he was quite cautious, "Do you ever think of like, I don't know, just really letting it all out?" Her fingers of her free hand brushed over his cheek.

Osa had placed his head on her belly; all the while his free hand caressed across her chest and breasts beneath her shirt. He had to process what she said for a moment, and soon a grin formed across his cheeks, "I find it odd."

"What do you find odd, Osa?" The woman asked curiously as she saw his devilish grin. Which he failed terribly at hiding; those razored teeth glistening against his glow.

Osa suddenly climbed up over top of Raven. The Irinaut looked down, his eyes had become slit. As he slid himself up next to his partner, Osa gently grabbed her chin before turning her head to whisper in her her ear, "I find it odd how you're curious about seeing myself more...feral during our locking." His tongue suddenly grazed her earlobe, "Why don't you just say what you are thinking?"

His hand moved up the side of her head as he gave her neck a soft lick, "Is that really what you want? Bites and scratches on this lovely skin?" Osa inhaled deeply, "I already bruise your body when I am trying to be gentle. Why would you wish me to be more forceful?" This he didn't understand. She didn't want to hurt the babe, but some of the thoughts that ran through her made the Irinaut blush.

Raven's eyes widened. She shook her hands back and forth before pressing her hands against his face and pushing upwards, "Osa I told you to stay out of my head. That's not fair. I can't see your pervert thoughts." She found herself covering his eyes with her hands, "Could you not?"

The woman gasped out as her hands suddenly forced themselves back on the bed. Raven's eyes widened as Osa's feathers ruffled, a sweet chirp emitted from him, "And I've told you before it comes naturally. I can't help it you have such dirty thoughts you wish to hide."

The woman couldn't move her arms, or even sit up. Her heart was throbbing in her chest as she watched the Irinaut, whom seemed to just be waiting for a response from the woman. She couldn't move any of her limbs aside from her head,

Osa had began removing his own clothes, and suddenly Raven found herself doing the same, but it wasn't her controlling it, "Osa!" Raven's face blazed as she just tossed her clothes to the side. The woman's eyes locked with Osa's; her belly still emitted that soft gold glow.

Osa suddenly pulled Raven forward before kissing her quite passionately. The Irinaut took hold of her hips before pulling her into his lap. He hummed softly as he slid his tongue into her mouth. His feathers were ruffled, his body hot, and every bit of him just vibrating as that murr came from his chest.

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