Chapter Sixteen: Emerge

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Raven found herself waking up abruptly to Osa giving her a nudge with his leg, "Osa..I'm not ready to get up. Can't we sleep like one more hour?" She groaned before pulling the blanket over her head, "It's cold."

He hissed, "Raven, you won't be saying it's cold once we go back to the surface." Osa set her clothes down next to her. Clean, and dry. The Irinaut had ended up letting her stay in his room for the night, sleeping separately from her, "Sun will be out, and you will be missing the cool." The male already had his neck gear on, "I have a quick solution for your mask as we ascend."

Raven sat up; holding the blanket to her chest, "Mmm, you'd think the way this mask filters they'd think of something for the water." The woman set it down, "As long as you can get me to the top quick, I'm happy." Raven slid her top on before standing. The woman slid her pants on, "Osa, I wanted to thank you for helping me last night. I wasn't even watching where I was going and if you hadn't of been there I would have drowned in your tub." She gave a nervous laugh as she put on her boots and wrapped her pants legs around them.

Osa purred, "Well, I heard a splash, and it was very clear you can't swim. So I made the decision to come in. Which, reminds me." He leaned down before poking her nose, "You're not allowed alone in there anymore until you learn to swim."

Her eyes widened. The soldier shook her head, "Yeah, you're not sitting in there while I bath I slipped and I can't help your water goes on for eternity. I've never seen anything like that." Even now she found herself thinking about his waters. She had truly felt like she was floating in space.

Raven had the things she needed dry in her satchel, and then bagged in plastic, "Are we going?"

Osa laughed as he grabbed a few waters and cans of different foods, "I won't watch. If that's the case you better learn to swim. As I said, I can help you." The Irinaut tossed the last of his things in his bag before tying it off, "Alright. Now, that should be enough supplies to get us there and back." He set the bag next to the opening to prepare to leave, "That should be it." The male had his own gloves, a long sleeved black shirt and his own pants. He had put some sort of padding on the bottom of his feet to protect his pads.

"I don't understand why you don't use that armor you have." Raven adjusted her mask on her face, "You could really hurt your feet."

Osa shook his head, "Ah, my feet are hard as steel." He purred, "Harder to move in shoes and jump anyway, and I told you, the last thing we need is to be noticed, and that doesn't blend here like it does at home." The Irinaut was grabbing a clear bag, "Not only that, I will not wear it to kill my brothers in arms." The Irinaut rolled his shoulders, his eyes could be seen dimming.

She looked at his feet. Truthfully she hadn't thought about it, but she had watched the Irinaut tear people apart with just their feet. Raven sighed softly before nodding in agreement. Osa had a head of steel, and when he said no, she was realizing he meant it, "Alright, I won't ask anymore." The woman looked at the pool of water as she secured her bag over her shoulder, "Blend in? You have crystals like that back home?"

Osa purred, "They grow like your trees. It's our main resource of power aside from the Hollows." He pointed at the appendages that ran down his head, "Here take this bag, and put it on your mask before we go under." He grumbled, "Not the most efficient solution, but it will have to do."

Raven listened. Truthfully she wondered what the Irinaut's home world was like. She found herself surprised to learn the name of the leeches, "Hollows? That's what you call them?" As he handed her the bag she laughed a bit, but realized he wasn't joking, "What am I supposed to do with this?"

Osa climbed into the water. He had the chain from before in hand, "Put it over your mask and tuck it into your chest armor after you tie it. Mask sure the air is out of it and when you're ready grab this chain. I'm going to pull you up to the surface." He purred, "Near the tunnels." He grabbed his bags, "It will be faster then coming down, I promise."

Raven was hesitant at first; peeking at the water and glancing at the bag. She sighed. At this point she had to trust him. This was her way home, and his. The woman put her legs in the water and did as he requested. The woman grabbed the chain, her heart was racing. Her legs had become numb at the thought of getting in the water, "Osa I don't know if I can."

Osa hummed. The creature looked at his bags before grunting and going under, and taking the chain with him. After about ten minutes, he popped his head back up and took a deep breath, "Alright, come on." He held out his hand to her.

"Osa I said I can't do-"

"I took all my things to the surface." He touched the chain." I tied this to a pole near the tunnel. You can pull yourself right out without even having to kick your feet." The Irinaut hummed, "Come on then."

Raven was hesitant at first. Her eyes scanned him and the chain as if to double check its stability. Finally, she grabbed his hand and slowly slid into the water, her hand tightly wrapped around his, and the chain, "Oh god don't let go don't let go."

Osa purred as he helped her in the water. Raven really wasn't keen to this but they really had no choice, "Raven, just keep hold of the chain." The Irinaut grabbed her cheek with his palm, "Look at me."

Raven had her eyes shut tightly, ignoring him at first before he repeated himself. The woman looked at him in the water. As he attempted to calm her, it worked. The woman swallowed before nodding her head, "I'm fine. I just needed to relax. This leads to the surface?"

Osa nodded as he rubbed her head with his palm, "Right to the shore. Just don't let go, and I'll be right behind you."

As he showed her affection she couldn't help but press into his palm. That was rare in the time, and it just gave her a sense of relief. The woman breathed deeply before taking one last deep breath. Raven suddenly went under the water.

She moved fast, her hands not once slipping from the chain as she pulled herself forward in the water. Before she knew it she was treading dirt and climbing out of the water. Raven inhaled deeply before pulling off the plastic from her mask. The woman thudded back on the ground next to the supplies.

Osa climbed out of the water. The alien shook water from his arms. He moved towards the chain and unhooked it before setting it at the end of the shore line and covering it with debris, "It will make it easier to get back in." He huffed. The sun was scorching down on them. Much warmer then inside his ship. The Irinaut slipped on his cloak before tossing his pack on his back.

"What about weapons?" Raven stood up. She brushed the mud off her suit before grabbing a few things to help him carry, "Did you bring anything?"

Osa could be heard, laughing, "Weapons? Yes, but those are last resort. Besides I don't always need a gun. Usually someone is already holding one that I can take."

Raven just rolled her eyes, "Yeah, not cool by the way. How do you even do that?" She started walking next to him before opening her map, "I literally can't move when you pull that."

Osa purred as he took strides. The male's height made his steps at times two of Raven's as they made their way through the tunnel, "Hmm, the Hollows. Irinaut are not born with these. We acquire them through ritual. Each have their own abilities they give from controlling organic matter, strength, to living for a millennium."

"Well that's cool you just stick them to you and become indestructible right?" Raven trotted a bit ahead of him, but even when she tried he had no trouble keeping up.

"Yes and no they come with a price. To many would kill you. You can't just require as many as you like. It's a power to be respected not taken advantage of, and once they are linked with you, their death could mean yours." Osa chirped, "Do they scare you?"

"Honestly, more than they did before." Raven looked at the Hollows on his head as they made their way down the tunnel, "So they all have their own abilities they give you?"

"Yes. Some stronger than others. Osa clicked as they walked down the long tunnel.

Raven looked down the tunnel, "When we get near the facility we should be careful. It wouldn't surprise me if they are still looking for you."

Osa laughed, "They should be careful."

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