Chapter Fifty-Seven: Being a Hybrid

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"How many times are you going to tell me no?!" Luna paced the floor, her eyes had a bright glow, "Please! I know I'm old enough for one, Papa!" The sixteen year old girl stood with her arms crossed, "I've read all the documents about the Hollows. Irinaut's my age get them all the time."

Osa groaned before wiping over his face. He glanced over at Raven, whose brow was raised as the two of them argued about a Hollow, "Luna, darling, you are a hybrid, and.."

Luna frowned, "And what?"

"You're much smaller than a full blooded Irinaut queen. Hollows are not something you just decide to attach to yourself without knowing you're ready." Osa hummed softly, "I will tell you when you are ready, you have my word."

"Yeah like when I'm able to go outside." Luna snapped back, her eyes already swelling with tears, "For all you know the Hollow would help make me stronger, Papa! I could actually help."

"Luna that's enough!" Osa showed his teeth, his feather's raised as a low growl bellowed in his chest. His heart was racing as he looked at the teen girl, "I am your father, and whether you like it or not, you will listen to me. We are trying to protect you."

Luna closed her eyes at the sight of Osa's fangs. This had been an on going argument for some time. Both the parents understood she was becoming anxious being in this ship since birth, "W-What happens when you're both gone? A-And I'm still down here? What happens when none of you come back?"

"Luna Moon!" Raven gasped softly, "That's not going to happen, you know that. You know why you can't go outside, sweetheart, it's-"

"It's not safe, everyone is out to get me because of what I am, right?" She pointed up, "I-I've never even seen the stars, the sun." She laughed softly, but it was clearly saddened, "The moon.." She looked at the both of them before stepping back from them and going towards the garden, "I'll always be stuck down here.." She mumbled under her breath as she walked out, clearly seeming upset.

Osa's demeanor changed as she walked away. The male stood up, a soft whine came from him, "Luna, wait." Though she ignored him. The male sighed heavily as she did so. He and Raven looked at one another, "What are we going to do about this?" The male rubbed the back of his neck, "She's really upset with me."

"She's a hormonal teenager, Osa. Of course she is. I was like that once." She smiled sadly. The comment about not being able to see the sky really bothered her, "She just wants a little freedom."

"Raven you know-"

"Darling you don't have to lecture me about her going out." Raven walked over to him before hugging around his shoulders, "I know what's out there. Just give her time. She'll understand once she's older that we're just trying to protect her."


Luna stormed into their gardening room. Like her mother, it was one of her favorite places to just get away from everything, and anymore she felt like she couldn't get away from anything anymore.

"Ugh. If they'd just give me a chance." She rambled to herself as the door opened. Luna kept her arms to her chest, a clearly frustrated expression on her face.

"Hmm?" Zio watched the teen storm past. The male hummed softly. The male cocked his head to the side as he lifted to her self chattering. The Irinaut followed her into the gardening area. He glanced around for a moment before seeing Luna standing in front of a tank, full of Hollows. The pale blue Irinaut walked slowly. Though he was quite large, Zio was extremely light on his feet. The male seemed more interested in seeing what was wrong with the young queen, 'Queen Luna, are you alright?' He peeked around to look at her, a soft chirp escaping his throat.

Luna jumped as Zio's words ran through her head, "Jeeze, Zio, could you give me a warning next time?' She glanced back at him before shaking her head and turning her attention back to the Hollows and placing her hand on the clear glass, "They're never going to let me do anything, are they Zio?" She sighed, "I'm never going to have a Hollow, and I'm never going to leave this ship."

'What? Who? Your parents?' Zio's eyes brightened. He crouched down next to Luna, 'My queen, you must understand. I know being down here is difficult. I, I cannot say that I know exactly what you are feeling. In fact no one here can.' The male reached out to take her hand, 'But I can say for certain that your parents love you dearly. Royal Osa and your mother want nothing more than for you to be safe.' Zio hummed softly before patting the top of her hand, 'What do you call it, late bloomer? Your time will come! Do not blame your mother and father. They are protecting their world from this one, my Queen.'

Luna looked at Zio as he took her hand. She smiled softly, but she was still clearly upset. She leaned forward before giving him a tight hug, "Thanks, Zio." She wiped her eyes, "I just, I wish they would give. Even a little. Or even try to teach me how to use the Current.'

Zio tensed as she hugged him. The male wasn't exactly the hugging type, but the Queen was his one exception, and had been since He reached down and patted her head, 'Just a bit older, and I am certain you will have as many Hollow's as I, your father, or Fex.' The male pulled back from her after a moment. Even if he did hug her it wasn't for long. Zio smiled calmly, 'The Current comes with the Hollows. That is the dangerous part.' Zio sat down next to her as he looked at the Hollows in the cylinder tank.

"What was your first Hollow like? Did it hurt? What was the first thing you could do?" Luna crossed her legs and leaned forward. One thing that intrigued her was the history of the Irinauts. She wanted to know everything there was to know. It was difficult for her to want to learn about the human race. Nowadays, she had more Irinauts she trusted than her other half. Nothing good had come from any of them aside from her mother, Sage, and Jacques.

The pale blue male grinned, 'You ask questions like your mother.' Zio grabbed one of the vibrant blue and red pulsing Hollow's on the side of his head, 'This was the first Hollow that I ever acquired. I was about your age, but much bigger.' He hummed softly before lifting the Hollow and showing a burn scar that ran down from it, 'It did not go well. It ended up being my telepathy.' Zio leaned back, 'I heard to much at once, and it became overwhelming for me and the Hollow. It nearly ended up being a reject. I got very ill, I could barely lift my head for days, and being with more then my own thoughts nearly became just to much. It can be very dangerous the first time around my Queen. You should be grateful your parents worry about you so. Some do not get that luxury.'

Luna began to fiddle her thumbs.When he showed her the scar, her eyes only widened. She listened closely to what the Irinaut had to say, and took it into consideration, "Alright, well, that doesn't change the fact that I still want one. I already don't have a tail. I might as well be a human when I'm like this."

Zio's smile faded. The Queen not having a tail was always a subject to debate. With age she began to talk about what it would be like to have had hers left, 'You are many things, my queen, but just a human, you are not. You have royal blood running through your veins. The blood of Royal Osa, and your mother is a human. Look at what she is capable of. Certainly more in tune with our customs than any human I have met.' Zio reached up and touched the cylinder glass, a low murr came from him before he looked down at Luna, 'Your time will come.'

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