Chapter Fourty-Five: Six

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The Irinaut made a low growl as he walked down the hall of the ship. Osa's eyes glowed as he walked slowly, and listened. The male moved without making a sound, his claws not even clicking on the floor. The male breathed heavily as he heard little foot steps. His ears gave a soft flicker. When he saw a small shadow round the corner, but he played it off, simply grinning, "Where is the Little Moon? I can't seem to find her!"

Raven smiled as she heard a soft giggle behind the doorway. She looked over as Osa played with Luna in their gardening room. The woman was busy pulling out a few vegetables from one of their plants. The six year old of course got board of this rather quickly. It wasn't a surprise she was playing with her father, "I'm not sure where she went. Sneaky little thing she is." The mother played along with the joke, seeming to enjoy the blissful time.

Luna poked her head around the corner, a smile plastered on her face. She attempted to purr like her father, but it wasn't quite the same. Her long hair came down to her mid back, and she just had a smile plastered across her face, "I'm right here papa!" She was wearing one of her mother's shirts, having it come down to her ankles. Inka, Zio's Yeti, wasn't far behind. The beast was lying down in the hallway with it's eyes on Luna. The beast never let her out of it's sight.

Osa jumped as if she had scared him, even holding his chest, "Ahh, it seems you are." He scooped her into his arms, earning a loud squeal from her. The little girl laughed as the Irinaut swung her around before holding her close, "What are we going to do today, hmm?"

Luna giggled before resting her head on Osa's chest. The girl began to play with his feathers; gently running her fingers through them in awe, as she had since she was born, "Umm," She peeked her head over Osa's shoulder to look at Raven, "Mama what are we gonna do today?"

Raven laughed softly as she picked up the basket and held it to her side, "Well, I'd say it's a good idea to wash these and get that soup put on for you." The woman looked around inside the ship's garden. The two had done their best to give Luna a 'normal' life, and having a garden gave her somewhere to play and learn, "Luna darling, did you feed those chickens? I put that bucket there for you."

"Yes mama." Luna clung to Osa. One thing was for certain, her and her father were very close. She looked at Osa, didn't say a word, and he placed her on the ground. One thing they had picked up on quickly was that she was able to communicate like the other Irinaut's, and having been raised around Zio and Fex, the two taught her without even trying.

Luna trotted over to the door, "Inka!"

As soon as she yelled out, the Yeti looked over at the young girl and stood. Without its armor, the beast was better seen. The down feathers covered most of its back and front legs. It had a set of four eyes on each side of it's head, not a pupil to be seen, and it's face had what looked like a thin cross; going all the way up to the crown of it's head and stopped at the large hollow that rested on Inka's head and hung off the side of the Yeti's body. The sun colored cross ran down its snout, across its lips, and all the way down its neck. Its stomach and fronts of its legs where it lacked fur, faded into a yellow glow.

The Yeti's were wolf like, and extremely intelligent. They seemed to understand everything. Though they couldn't talk, they were respected as warriors and treated as such. They'd do anything to protect their masters.

Luna reached her hands up to the Yeti, who rumbled in approval. The young girl smiled softly as she ran her fingers through its fur, "Inka. Down Inka." The Yeti almost immediately laid down on the ground, and the young girl quickly climbed on top of it before it stood. She swayed a bit before hugging around Inka's neck, "Woah!"

"Luna! Sweetheart it makes me so nervous when you ride her. Please be careful." Raven looked up at Osa nervously, "I just don't want her to fall."

Osa shook his head before brushing his hand over Inka's cheek, "Inka knows when to be gentle. She won't hurt her."

"I know she wouldn't on purpose Osa. She's just, so much bigger than her." Raven watched as Inka trotted around the hall, seeming to enjoy occupying Luna.

"And?" Osa looked down at Raven, a purr rumbled in his chest before he leaned down, his lips gently brushed her ear, "I'm bigger than you and I'm gentle."

Raven's eyes widened, her face blazed before she placed her hand against Osa's mouth. Though it did nothing to hide the grin on his face, "Osa she's right there."

He chuckled softly before kissing her forehead, "And paying no mind to us. She's playing with Inka." The male wrapped his arms around her waist before hugging her to him and looking at Luna, "Relax."

Raven gasped softly as he hugged her. The woman returned it as she watched Luna enjoying herself, "She's getting so big. I swear it feels like yesterday I was still swaddling her in blankets."

Osa nodded, "It's hard to believe."

"Papa! Mama, when is everyone gonna be back?" She frowned before climbing off Inka. She trotted over to them before glancing at the water that led to the outside. She was often curious about this, but Osa and Raven strictly forbid her from going near it. She was very aware she wasn't allowed.

Osa looked down at Luna before crouching down next to her, while holding Raven's hand, "They had to go find some things for the ship. They'll be back in no time, and as soon as they are, I'm sure they'll be ready to hear your stories."

"What do they have to find?" Luna picked up a small stuffed toucan. She often carried it around, giving it the name Rainbow for its vibrant colors. "How soon are they gonna come back?"

Osa laughed, "Questions, questions, that's all that's in your brain just like your mother." The Irinaut gently stroked her cheek, "Things to help rebuild the ship so we can find a safer spot to stay, and things to fill that belly of yours, yes?"

Luna giggled. She looked at him wide eyed, "Will I get to go help, papa?" She glanced over at the water hole, "When can I go outside?"

Osa's eyes flashed brightly for a moment. He smiled at the young girl before nodding, "Luna, you're a very special little girl. One day, when you're older, you will get to go out and change the world for the better, but until then, you're safe in here with your mother."

The young girl frowned. She didn't like that answer. Though she had loads of ship to explore, the little girl couldn't help but want to go outside. Though her parents had explained that it was dangerous. She couldn't help her curious mind, "When will I be old enough? Like, two years?"

Both Osa and Raven laughed at the comment. The Irinaut lifted her up into his arms, "You'll know darling. Now, how about we go get something to eat?"

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