Chapter Fifty-Eight: Second Language

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'Ahh! Dammit!' Fex stepped back from the engine. A low growl came from him. The male wiped his palm over his face before shaking his arm, 'I am sick of working on this engine. I'd rather be out riding the Yetis.' He looked at his hand, his palm burned. Though, the Irinaut was alone as he spoke, as he often was.

It wasn't unusual for Fex to keep his distance from everyone. Even after sixteen years, he didn't try to make connections with anyone. It never seemed in his best interest to.

Fex took a step back before sitting down on the floor of the engine room. He rubbed the back of his neck, 'We are never going to finish this, are we?' He hummed, 'We get one thing working, another breaks.' His heart had began to pump rapidly, and those ruby red veins glowed vibrantly in his chest. Even beginning to flex his hands in and out. He was clearly agitated.

As he heard someone coming down the ladder, Fex just took a few deep breaths. The others had seen him like this before, but it was rare. Often he'd end up walking to his room when it started.

"Fex! Mom made some fish soup if you're hungry. She told me to come get you." Though, out of everyone, Luna was the one that always got him to listen without to much of an argument. Luna hopped off the ladder; glancing around the all before walking down a few ways, "Fex, where are you at?"

She came around the other corner to see him sitting in the floor. Luna laughed softly, "Figures you would be down here slacking off." The teen approached him, only to see him sitting with his eyes closed. Luna's expression went to worry, "Hey Fex...are you alright?"

Fex could hear her coming, and the Irinaut just sat quietly. When he heard her next to her, the male took a deep breath as she spoke. At times the words ran in rambles in his head. He didn't exactly ever attempt to learn the language, and at times had little interest, 'You know I hate when you use that tongue, my queen.' He hissed out quietly.

Luna's golden eyes sparked softly. She crossed her arms, "Seriously?" The teen simply glared down at him before crouching down next to him, 'You can't just tell me what's wrong with you? You know what I'm asking, Fex.' Luna never understood Fex or Zio. Both were often gone, but Zio spoke to her when he had the chance, even if it was for a moment.

Fex opened his eyes to look at Luna. The male just opened his hand to show the burn, 'The ship burned me. That is all.' The glow in his chest was calming. He clasped his hand around his wrist as he sat there, 'Your mother made food, correct?'

Luna's eyes widened as he showed her the burn, 'No wonder you are upset.' She leaned forward to look at it before he hid it out of view. The young queen grabbed his wrist gently before pulling it towards her, 'This doesn't look great, Fex.'

Fex seemed more surprised than anything when she grabbed his wrist. The Irinaut sneered his lip at the comment, but he was clearly not as tense as he was prior. He stood up before brushing off his pants, 'It will be fine.' The male brushed past her, 'Let's go.'

The young queen glared at him, 'Why are you always so cold with me?'

Fex stopped dead in his tracks, his fists curled. He turned his face to the side, but didn't offer to turn around, and no expression could be seen, 'Excuse me, my queen?' The Irinaut's let out a low echoing growl, but he was completely calm on the outside, seeming to be holding a clear front.

Luna stood up, curling her own fists, 'You are-'

'Cold, I heard you.' The Irinaut turned around. The male leaned down towards her, his hands dangled loosely before he took a step forward towards her, 'You are my Queen. I am to protect you, obey you, and nothing more. I do not need to be your friend to know you are safe.' Fex hummed softly. The male cocked his head to the side as the two just silently stared at one another for a moment.

Luna hadn't moved when he leaned down. Only glaring back at the Irinaut. She sighed before glancing away from Fex. The teen walked past him, 'You're going to be really lonely not having friends. Oh!' Luna suddenly stopped in her tracks before she turned around, a smirk plastered on her face, 'I want you to start working on your English more. So when I speak to you in English, I expect an answer back in that tongue.'

Fex cocked his head to the side, his eyes brightened at the comment regarding learning the language fully, 'What makes you think I will?'

Luna shrugged her shoulders, 'You said it yourself, your job is to protect and obey, right? Nothing more?' Her expression said it all. The young queen was clearly agitated with Fex's comment.

The male growled lowly, his fangs now visible and his blood pumping. He laughed, a cackling coming from his chest before he wiped over his face, 'You are playing games, Little Queen, but as you wish.' Fex's face showed amusement, but anyone who knew him, knew this was his way of expressing his anger without completely losing it. He threw his hand up at her as he grumbled and hissed to himself.

The young queen smiled, clearly seeming to be satisfied with her order for Fex to work on her mother's language, "Great! Really glad we're on the same page!" She clapped her hands together as she spoke out loud once again. The teen just wanted him to at least attempt to learn her mother's language better, "Now come on. Let's go get something to eat!"

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