Chapter Fifty-Four: Alone Time?

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Raven sat quietly in their garden, really just thinking and trying to get away. This was the one place she could really think inside the ship, and hearing about Jacques death and William's fate just had her beside herself.

"And how did I know you would be hiding in here?" Osa chirped as he pushed past corn stalks. He looked down at Raven, who was hiding inside a plot of their crops. Osa's feathers ruffled, "You know, you haven't changed one bit." The male crouched down before sitting next to her, "Do you wish to talk about it?"

The woman had already heard him come inside. As he peeked between the crops and spoke, Raven really couldn't find the words, "I don't really know what to say Osa." She started to play with a leaf. Even if she didn't say a word, she already knew Osa was searching around for an answer.

"Raven," Osa reached out and took her hand, "I am sorry." Osa's eyes dimmed. The Irinaut growled softly, "I should had made them stay here." He leaned forward into his palms, "I didn't want to get anyone killed."

"Osa it isn't your fault." Raven reached her hand up to hold his wrist, "We all knew what we were getting into here." She swallowed, "So did they." She leaned against him before hugging his arm, "When I was still working for the Faction, my entire crew was killed because of me. I lost everything that day, and honestly, I didn't think I was ever going to find that missing piece of myself again. It took a lot to accept that I couldn't change what happened to them." Tears started rolling down her cheeks. The woman closed her eyes and swallowed, "Even now it hurts, but what we're doing here, right now Osa, is for the greater good and we all know that we're risking our lives every day."

Osa brought his hands down before looking down at Raven. It wasn't often she opened up about her past. Even if Osa saw her thoughts, he had learned to keep from saying anything to her until she did first. The Irinaut gave her a reassuring smile before pressing his cheek against hers and letting out a soft purr. He wrapped his arm behind her back before pulling her firmly against him and holding her close, "It's my job to protect you, all of you." Osa pressed his lips to her forehead, "I don't know what I'd do if you were Luna were-"

"That's not going to happen, alright?" Raven wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he kissed her forehead, "We will get through this no matter what. We've made it this far right?" As Osa held her, she felt herself relaxing into him. The woman let out a soft sigh, "I'll protect you, and you protect me, right?" The two said this to one another often. It was just something they went to in their worries.

Osa nodded; a hum rumbled in his chest. Both of them had their concerns. The Irinaut really didn't like the idea of losing his mate or their daughter, "Yes. We will." The Irinaut held her cheeks in his palms, his eyes brightened as he looked into Raven's eyes. He leaned in before kissing her softly.

Raven leaned into Osa's smooth palm as he kissed her. She found herself relaxing into his body as her lips parted; her tongue lightly peeking.

The Irinaut's breath shuddered. He brought his hand behind her head, only deepening their kiss. His heart was racing, and his chest heavy. It wasn't often they had time alone anymore, and Osa found himself clinging to Raven.

Raven's breathing deepened. The woman ran her hands up his chest before resting her hands on his shoulders. She found herself climbing into his lap without much thought as the two showed one another their affections. After a moment, she felt his hands gliding up her shirt, touching her bare skin and earning a soft moan. Her mind was completely focused on Osa. When the two of them were together, everything just felt like it was going to be alright, and she was safe.

Osa suddenly broke the kiss, a deep murr came from him before her buried his face against her shoulder. His hands gently slid down back to her hips as he just hugged her to his frame. His heart could be felt throbbing in his chest, followed by an oddly disappointed whine.

Raven knew exactly what this meant. Almost as soon as he broke the kiss, the doors leading out of the garden could be heard opening. The woman gently rubbed the back of Osa's neck; running her fingers through his feathers, "How did I know she was coming?"

"Mom? Papa?" Luna called out to the two of them. The clanking of Inka's paws on the ground followed, "Are you in here?"

Osa lifted his head. The male kissed Raven's cheek softly before leaning in and whispering in her ear, "We will have to continue this later." Osa spoke in a husked tone. His feathers were still ruffled around his neck, and his glow was visible in his chest beneath his shirt, "We're in the crops, Luna. I thought I told you to stay with the others while I spoke with your mother?" His face was blazing in that bright gold as he held Raven against him. Which, Raven didn't even attempt to move from her partner.

"Fex is hiding in his room and Zio is over the line cleaning supplies, and Sage won't come out of her room.." Luna rocked back and forth a bit as she stood in front of the crops as she spoke to her parents, "Why are you guys in there?"

Raven scrambled to get up. The woman wiped her palms over her crimson cheeks, "We were just, talking." She glanced back at Osa before walking out of the crops. Really, doing her best to compose herself, "Well, maybe they are having a hard time with everything too." She wrapped her arms over Luna's shoulders before pulling her close, "And I'm certain if you tried to talk to them a little more they may do the same." Raven smiled softly. She knew it was hard for Luna. The young girl was an only child, and she struggled at times talking to Zio and Fex. Unlike her father they didn't at as 'human' as he did, and their demeanors even now at times threw her off her guard. Fex even several times, frightening her with his yelling. Even though Osa typically immediately diffused the situation.

Osa listened. The male finally brought himself out with the two of them before hugging Raven and Luna easily with both arms. Zio and Fex actively protected Luna, but the two truthfully kept their distance. Osa knew the two would do anything to protect her, but Luna was clearly hesitant to be around them. Osa knew this likely came with Fex's temper and lack of communication, and Zio's rather by the book demeanor. It was no surprise she had a hard time around them.

Luna squeaked as Osa hugged the two of them. She laughed softly, "Fex doesn't know what I'm saying all the time and he hides in his room, and Zio is always working on the ship with you, Papa." She rested against the two of them. It was obvious she was lonely.

Osa and Raven knew she just wanted other's her age, and that was seeming to be further and further out of reach. It seemed no matter how many times he tried to find others, they were always set back, "Well, perhaps we can get something figured out for that."

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