Chapter Twenty-Nine: Golden Glow

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"Raven! You need to see this! The message! Get in here!" Osa barked out excitedly, loud murrs followed, but as Raven didn't respond, he found himself making his way to their room, only to hear the female wrenching inside the bathroom, "Raven?" His ears starting ringing, his feathers ruffled as he slowly approached the door.

"J-Just give me a minute." Raven breathed deeply, her hands clung to a bucket before she vomited into it. The woman was in the bathroom hiding behind the side of the wall. Osa wasn't exactly one for complete privacy anymore, especially since Raven had fell in the water.

Three months had passed since Raven and Osa's first locking. Of course the two of them had been rather busy with one another since that first time. Osa and Raven both seemed to both crave the touch, the intimacy, but currently, all the woman was thinking about was not vomiting. Her body was sweaty, her face clammy, "I'll be right out Osa just please.."

Osa could be heard hissing, "You sound like you're dying in there, Raven. Just let me make sure you don't have a sickness. For all we know your mask came loose last night. I need to look at you." He was obviously worried. The night before the had went looking for food and Raven and fell face first. In a panic they had left and came back, and all the sudden, Raven felt beyond sick that morning. Not only that, he felt as if something was calling him in there, and it was driving him near mad.

"Osa just give me five min-" The woman suddenly could be heard wrenching, all the while Osa was outside the bathroom whining and making a worried bark, but he listened and stayed back.

After about twenty minutes, Raven walked out; holding her water bottle in hand. Her face was pale, and she was obviously not feeling well, "Had to brush my teeth.." The woman rubbed her stomach before groaning, "It must of been that soup we found. I guess it really wasn't all that good huh?" The woman shook her head, "Osa if it was the infection I would have already been showing signs. Something out of those cans must of made me sick last night I'm telling you. I know what the stages of infection look like."

Osa had moved towards her immediately and grabbed her face, his feathers were raised, his eyes glowed, "Your temperature is up though." The Irinaut though, just began to stare at her, his eyes suddenly became slit before he grabbed Raven's hips before pulling the woman close to him. That echoing murr rumbled in his before he pressed against her neck and inhaled deeply. All the while his hand ran up her stomach.

Raven whined, "Osa it's to early and I already don't feel good I'm not in the mood." Though as she went to push him away, the Irinaut quickly held her there, earning a soft gasp.

The male's lips quivered, his eyes had such a vibrant glow. Something was different, "Just hold on a moment." Osa gestured towards their bed, "Sit down and lift your shirt up for me."

"Why?" Raven tilted her head to the side, seeming confused, but the question just earned her that typical eye roll before Osa gestured for her to sit down.

Raven listened, moving to the bed before pulling the shirt up from her belly, her eyes locked on Osa, "See it? Looks like a stomach. It hurts and I feel like I am never eating that soup again."

Osa just, stared. He hadn't moved a muscle, but that golden glow began to build around his heart. His eyes were wide, and his body stiff. It wasn't often the Irinaut just went silent.

As he just stayed silent, the woman began to get worried, "What? What is it?" She looked down, only to see a golden glow coming from in her stomach, "What the.." Raven panicked, jumping suddenly, but Osa was right there, "O-Osa what's wrong with me?"

The Irinaut had fallen to his knees, his feathers were raised in that excited display, and his hand trembling as he placed his hand on her stomach. Osa began to purr deeply, that bright glow in Raven's stomach gently dancing along with Osa's own wavelengths, "Raven, nothings wrong with you, y-you are pregnant." His eyes were glowing, his voice trembled.

As he thudded in front of her, Raven's rapid breathing had calmed a bit. As Osa spoke, and said she was pregnant, her own eyes widened before she brought her hands down and held her palms against Osa's own, "P-Pregnant?" He almost sounded scared. Raven seemed concerned, "W-What's wrong Osa?"

"Nothing it wrong at all, my love." Osa laughed gently, quietly, his eyes oddly began to tear up. They had a gold hue similar to his veins, "Raven, you bore a queen." The Irinaut hummed before leaning in and kissing her forehead. His hand was till protectively resting on her stomach, as the Irinaut himself seemed to be in shock, "She's a queen."

Raven had really began to worry as he laughed and cried in the same instant. The woman had never seen Osa cry, and as the tears streamed down his face, all Raven could do was wipe his cheeks, "Osa, it's-" As he said she was pregnant with a queen, Raven could only smile herself, "What? Really!?" The woman found excitement in this herself. She knew how long Osa had waited for this, not really even knowing if it would be possible himself, "How do you know it's a girl? Or even a queen?" The woman felt her stomach. It was hot, no wonder she felt sick, but the glow was rather lovely.

Osa nodded his head before moving his head down and resting it on her stomach, "She called me to you because you were sick, and only a queen gives such a glow in the womb." The Irinaut gently rubbed her stomach, "How did I not notice sooner.." He rested his head against her stomach, the male purring deeply.

All the while, Raven had placed her hands on his head, smiling from ear to ear herself. Even if she did feel sick, it was hard to hold in her own excitement, "We're going to be parents, Osa!"

He smiled before kissing her stomach gently. The male lifted his head to look at her, showing off his rows of teeth, "Come here, love. I have something else I want to show you."

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