Chapter Thirteen: I'm Alive

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Two weeks had passed. Raven had managed to get some room on her chains, and found herself walking through the ship where she had access to. Most of the doors were made of some sort of rock material that only Osa could pass through. She hadn't quite figured out how he did it.

Raven sat on the floor, watching Osa work as she had for weeks. The Irinaut was one of routine. He worked on the device daily, often having struggles due to the bombs encasing his wrists. He argued with Raven almost daily regarding the cuffs, but he didn't hurt her. This of course peeked her curiosity, but she hadn't tested how far she could go. Besides, the alien was known for making people implode on themselves.

Osa was humming, occasionally chirping as he worked on his machine. He was using fine wires and thin tools, but as he went to set a wire inside, the cuff link on his left hand sparked. He hissed, raising his arm before dropping the tools. His feathers had raised on his neck, his pupils had become those defined cat like slits. He ran his hand over his leeches before turning and looking at the machine again before taking a stance and just roaring out. His mouth split open; revealing those rows of teeth. The Irinaut's fists were clenched, his eyes glowing before he turned his attention towards Raven.

Raven had heard the shock, and not to her surprise he was upset. When he had let out that loud screech all she could do was cover her ears, "Christ Osa!" The two's eyes had locked. Osa wasn't typically this visibly upset. Raven hadn't actually seen him this angry over his work before, "I don't understand why you need your hands for that if you can move stuff by just staring at the damn thing."

Osa sneered his lip, "This, could be a bigger bomb. Osa," He pointed at himself, "Does not want a bigger bomb." He was obviously upset. His breathing had quickened and the walls sounded as if they wanted to bend. The male held his hands up as if to center himself. Osa made his way over to the television before looking through the movies. He picked up one before shoving it in. The Irinaut sat down on the floor and just, stared at the screen.

Raven took a deep breath as she watched him walk away. The woman grabbed a handful of her hair and held it tightly in frustration. One the television soft music could be heard playing. She walked up slowly, ever so slightly peeking at what he was watching.

"I'm alive...I'm alive..."

The song was playing. She walked over to him before taking a seat next to him. Osa sneered his lip before resting against the wall as the movie played.

"The Last Unicorn." Raven explained. Truthfully surprised he was watching this old animated movie. She leaned back into the wall, "How'd you even find this stuff.."

The television suddenly paused. Osa leaned down towards Raven and shook his finger, "No. You talk to much. Just watch and be quiet."

As the movie paused and he leaned towards her, the woman immediately tensed. Osa had his arm braced over Raven. He was so tall it wasn't difficult for him to just hover her. Raven brought her hand up to his chest hesitantly, her fingertips danced over his golden glowing veins.

Osa hadn't moved, but a deep hum rumbled in his chest. The male looked her in the eyes, his cheeks beginning to get flushed with a golden hue. The male swallowed before swatting her hand away and sitting back down.

The woman jumped out of her skin as he swatted her hand and sat back down. "You're going to make me be quiet this entire movie how many times Osa?" Raven sighed. With the time that had gone by, she had learned very quickly that Osa was oddly attracted to this movie. He watched it nearly daily, and if it wasn't watched, he played it in the background and just listened.

As they watched the movie and some time past, Osa seemed to relax after his shock to the hand. He had leaned himself back into the seat, and just seemed to be taking in the movie, "Raven." Osa pointed at the television, speaking out quite sudden, "Have you ever seen one?"

Raven jumped as he spoke to her. The Irinaut had been dead silent after clicking play again, and they were half way through. She pulled her legs to her chest, "Seen what? A unicorn?" The woman's heart sank a bit. Oddly enough she felt bad that she would have to break the news to him, "Osa-"

"Sometimes, I feel like this, unicorn." Osa chirped, his feathers ruffled, "She knows home, she knows where she belongs." His nails clicked against one of the wrist bands, "But, she wants her family back, so she leaves." Osa hummed, "She goes through all the turmoil to find her family and save them from the Red Bull, and she does with costs." The Irinaut's jaw cracked, "But I can't drive my Red Bull into the sea, and I can't stop it from the damage it has done." Osa looked towards the device, "I can't even fix the one thing that's stopping me from finding them."

Raven listened closely. For some reason, she felt her heart break for Osa. He seemed as lost as she was. He had been alone for god knows how long, " I've never seen a unicorn before." She couldn't bring herself to tell him. Raven slid herself up to Osa. The woman reached her hands forward and took Osa's in her own, "Osa, what are you doing here? Really? Why aren't you like the others?"

Osa's eyes hadn't left the screen until Raven had shimmied her way over to him. His feathers fell flat against his neck. He seemed like he wasn't going to answer, but as his fingers glided over his cuffs he finally spoke up, "We never meant for the infection to follow us here." He looked back at the screen, "Yok was our queen. We followed her rule, no other. We're all connected together. Something, some, sickness she found, she believe it would give her more power. An. Eternal rein." Osa swallowed, "Those that were infected with the death followed her wishes. Which, included killing off every single female of our species except her. Without any other queens alive, Yok was able to take over our entire planet with the infection. Our warrior walked into the spores by the millions." Osa's jaw popped. He obviously didn't enjoy this.

"So you all came to take over earth and that didn't go as planned after your world got sick with a virus? Great." Raven went to pull away, but Osa took hold of her hands tightly before pulling her forward to listen.

"No. Would you listen, Raven? We came to Earth to colonize with you, offer trades for our technology for.." Osa didn't seem to like this part, his face only deepened in that golden blush, "Suitable sex partners." The male looked back at the television, "Without another queen, we would just be sending our own into the hive mind of Yok. They would die, and this would be all for nothing. The plan has always been to go home, but I have lost all contact. I don't even know if any of my people are still alive. If we had known they were capable of piloting an aircraft, we would had never landed here." He seemed genuine. His eyes had a vibrant glow to them, "I am a warrior." He stated, "Not a murderer."

Raven listened,  she took in everything he was saying and truthfully, she was surprised. Osa had really just laid everything on the table for her. The dark haired female caressed his hand. Truthfully his features were appealing to her. His dark purple skin was that of something she had never seen before, and the golden blood she found intriguing. As he mentioned suitable sec partners her eyes turned into saucers, "Well, you guys didn't make it that far, right?" She had heard of women disappearing. Groups of men would be murdered and any female at times, just gone.

"Mmm, some did. Being the father of a queen is a honor, but I feel my brothers see it as survival now." Osa grimaced, "Some of my people, if any are still alive and well, had lost their way when we infected Earth and took paths I wish they wouldn't, but until I'm able to contact the mother ship, I'm in the dark about who is left, or if I'm the only one."

Raven pulled her hands from his. The woman placed her hands in her lap for a moment before sighing. She leaned over and grabbed her backpack before pulling it towards her. Raven reached in her bag before removing her tool set and rolled it out. A few special pieces. Some, looking like keys. She reached her hand out to Osa before holding up some tools, "If I take these off you, you have to promise not to bite my head off or throw me outside to the infected. Is that a deal?"

The Irinaut's feathers raised. He chirped, even making a light barking noise. The alien held out his hands, truthfully not even hesitating to get them off, "Anything to get these off."

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